"Christ’s Help Offers Inspiring Choices Encouraging Saints!" (C.H.O.I.C.E.S)

Ramesh C. Reddy
Editor in Chief

Hi everyone J

            May the Lord’s peace and grace shower you in the choices you are faced with! Amen!

Devotional Times (Psalm 119:81-88, Proverbs 11, and Philippians 1:22-26)

"My soul faints with longing for your salvation, but I have put my hope in your word." (Psalm 119:81, NIV) 

"Godly men are growing a tree that bears life-giving fruit, and all who win souls are wise." (Proverb 11:30)

“If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.” (Philippians 1:22-24)


 I learned that Paul was faced with two choices:

  1. Living in the body.
  2. Departing from the body.

When he was faced with these choices, he looked at the advantages of both choices: 

  1. Living in the body-
    1. This will mean fruitful labor for me.
    2. More necessary for you that I remain in the body.
  1. Departing from the body-
    1. This will mean being with Christ.
    2. This will be better by far than staying imprisoned and chained.

Even though Paul saw that departing from the body will allow him to be with Christ, he was thinking more about others than himself. That is really amazing that even in chains and imprisoned his mind was on others than himself. This is evidenced by his response:

Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me.” (Philippians 1:25-26)

I asked myself what ‘this’ meant in ‘convinced of this’ and realized ‘this’ is referring to ‘living in the body meaning fruitful labor for me and more necessary for you’.

So now Paul knows what his choice is going to be which is evidenced by these statements:

1. I know that I will remain.

2. I will continue with all of you for your progress in the faith.

3. I will continue with all of you for your joy in the faith.


 “So that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account on me.”


I saw important implications for our lives studying these verses. As much as Paul wanted to be with Christ in Heaven, which is a great choice, he did not just think about himself alone. Rather, his choice which was not an easy one for Paul was based on ‘what is good for others which would bring the joy of Christ into their lives’.

Even the choice to remain in the body was not for him but for Christ to be glorified when other people’s progress and joy in the faith is increased. Convinced of this, he knew what the Lord’s will for him was going to be, to remain in the body here on earth.

I ask you now dear friends, what are your choices based on?

Dear friends, I learned that the choices I make should be based on what will glorify Christ the most whether it be in academia, relationships, career, etc and be others focused than self-focused. The key in all this is seeking after God’s will for my life in every aspect of my life whatever area it is in.

I learned this is not always easy when I am faced with choices that I feel will give me the most happiness in the long run but it makes no sense for me to go after those choices if Christ is not in the center of those choices.

Whatever choices you are faced with, my hope and prayer is that those choices will be made with Christ being in the center of your life and the focus of your life. Surrendering your choices in life to Christ does not mean automatically you will be sent to the remotest places in the world. A lot of people fear that giving every area of their life to Christ would mean misery because they cannot get what they want.

What I have learned is that in the long run it is not worth going our own way if Christ wants us to go in another direction even if it means giving up what we have always done. I have also learned that whatever God’s will for us is that it will work out for our good even if we do not understand it now.

May we seek Christ now and always in all the choices we are faced with and may those choices be based on what brings the ultimate glory to Christ! Amen!

Christ’s Help Offers Inspiring Choices Encouraging Saints! (C.H.O.I.C.E.S)


Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you that your help offers inspiring choices encouraging saints. Help us to believe that always, for in the Spirit it is easy to believe that but in our flesh the choices you have for us will not seem inspiring to us. So please help us Lord that whatever choices you have for us we can be encouraged. I am so grateful for the things you have done in my life. I pray Lord that there will be no other place we want to be than in your arms of love. Only your arms of love can hold me still and hold me near whatever choices I am faced with. Thank you for being my Savior. You know the choices we all are faced with. We do want you in the center of those choices so please help us Lord. Thank you so much Jesus that you will help us and you have called us your very own. Help us to completely surrender our lives to you, all that we are and do. Whatever your will is for us, please give us the willingness and strength to bear it. Help us to walk in faith seeking you Lord as we confess our sins, repent of our sins, and yield our lives to you acknowledging what you have done for us at Calvary. Please be our Lord and Personal Savior coming into our heart and making our heart your home. Thank you Jesus! In Your Name I Pray Jesus! AMEN!

Love in Christ,

P.S. Check out the ZanyCrossword puzzle I created for you all.
It is interactive which means you can solve it online.

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