Friends Readily Instill Encouragement Nurturing Daily Sacrificially! (F.R.I.E.N.D.S)

Ramesh C. Reddy

Managing Editor

Hi everyone :)

May you know that you can call on the Lord anytime during your times of trouble and He will answer you! Amen!


On Thursday night, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship will be having their Mark Manuscript Small Group Bible study introductory meeting at 8:30 p.m in New Hope Christian Community.

New Hope Christian Community is located on North Dithridge Street right opposite to Webster Hall and St. Paul's Cathedral church on Fifth Ave and will be having a POT LUCK LUNCH after church this Sunday, Sept 01, 02. The worship service starts at 11:00 a.m.

Quiet Times (Psalm 87, Proverbs 27, and Mark 2)

“Several days later he returned to Capernaum, and the news of his arrival spread quickly through the city. Soon the house where he was staying was so packed with visitors that there wasn’t room for a single person more, not even outside the door. And he preached the Word to them.” (Mark 2:1-2)

“Four men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a stretcher. They couldn’t get to Jesus through the crowd, so they dug through the clay roof above his head and lowered the sick man on his stretcher, right down in front of Jesus.” (Mark 2:3-4)

When Jesus saw how strongly they believed that he would help, Jesus said to the sick man, “Son, your sins are forgiven!” (Mark 2:5)

As I read Mark 2, I was reminded of a personal incident in my own life that some of you may already have heard. Since this reminded me of that incident, I wanted to dwell deeper into Mark 2:3-4.

 In these 2 verses alone I saw a lot of characters involved:

  1. Four men
  2. Paralytic
  3. Jesus
  4. Crowds

I decided to focus on ‘four men’ and all of their actions.

1. Four men arrived where Jesus was at.

2. They had carried a paralyzed man on a stretcher.

3. They could not get him through the crowd so they dug through the clay roof.

4. They lowered the sick man on his stretcher.

5. They strongly believed that Jesus would help.

I found each of their actions significant in their own way.

Four men arrived where Jesus was at:

 To arrive where Jesus was at, they had to make a conscious decision to be there. They took it upon themselves to go to Jesus for help but not directly for themselves. Rather, it was for someone who was sick. They were thinking about that person as is evidenced by the next point.

 They had carried a paralyzed man on a stretcher:

 They were thinking about that person to care enough to carry him all the way to Jesus. After carrying him, they did not leave him there thinking, “Jesus will now help him” On the contrary they did something that would have made national headlines if there was a TV: “Roof collapses and paralyzed man comes down the roof” They invested in the paralyzed man’s life as is evidenced by the next point.

They could not get him through the crowd so they dug through the clay roof:

They took it upon themselves to overcome any obstacles that were in their way to help the paralytic by carrying him all the way over to finding an innovative way to get him to Jesus. When the place was packed they could have given up thinking, “We did what we could and there is not much to do. But they were determined to get help for the paralytic, so they put a big hole in the roof and did something as is evidenced by the next point.

They lowered the sick man on his stretcher.

 They did not let the crowd intimidate them from helping the paralytic. They were not self-conscious thinking about how it may look on them but tried to help the paralytic anyway they could by lowering him down the roof because of what was going through their mind too which is evidenced by the final point.

 They strongly believed that Jesus would help.

 They did not just believe for healing for the paralytic but so strongly believed that they risked getting into trouble by putting a whole in the roof. That shows their care too because I have a feeling they may have had to pay for it to get it fixed again. Everything they did paid of as is evidenced by Jesus’ response:

 “When Jesus saw how strongly they believed that he would help, Jesus said to the sick man, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven!’ (Mark 2:5)

 Because of how strongly they believed he would help, Jesus said to the sick man that his sins were forgiven. Their intercession and the paralytic’s willingness to be brought there brought forgiveness for him. It is interesting that Jesus addresses the paralytic’s sin before directly healing him later.

 I saw important implications for our own lives here. After reading and studying this passage, one word came to my mind: FRIENDS

 The paralytic’s friends were true friends for him because they were willing to go the extra mile to get him help even if it meant it would cost them time and probably money. They did not even let possibly ridicule to stop them from helping their friend who was sick. Those implications can be best explained through a true story in my life.

 I am so thankful to the Lord for Sara Witmer now Sara Schuster (Former President of PITT-INTERVARSITY), Jonathan Morton, (Former Vice-president/President of  PITT-INTERVARSITY), Joshua Steck (Former worship leader for PITT-INTERVARSITY), and David Black (Former member and aspiring leader for PITT INTERVARSITY) for all they did for me which was unexpected.

They were the best leadership team I ever worked with and had the honor of serving as their staff/campus minister. At that time I was also a student and would not even miss a single small group Bible study because I was also facilitating the study.

They knew I had a lot of moving to do and I told them about it. They asked me if I needed help but I am the kind of person that does not like to burden others to ask for help so I told them ‘no, I will handle it’.

 I under estimated the stuff I had and the mess the Shadyside apartment was in. Anyway, since I did not have a car, I carried most of the stuff in the bus back and forth and other times took a short cut from Shadyside to Squirrel Hill.

 When I did not show up at the small group, they became really concerned and Jonathan who I had the honor of still working with before April 2001 suggested something might be wrong and that they should go look for me.

 So rather than having their Bible study on ‘serving others’, they put it into practice right away. One time as I was tiring and showed up at my apartment, I saw Josh outside helping my roommate move out. Before I had come I was thinking to myself that I had no one to help me. How could I have help when I did not ask would have been anyone’s logical response! Not with these student leaders though.

 I asked him ‘Do you know my roommate and he said, “No”. Then, I asked him, “What are you doing here than, and all he said was “Wait and see, it is a surprise.”

 As I walked to the apartment door, “I heard students standing at the steps shouting “surprise” and I was totally speechless and so touched.

 They had not had the small group study to come to see how I was doing. They came all the way from the University to help me. It was not just any week but it was close to finals and that made it that much more touching since I did not ask them for help nor did I tell them where I lived.

 They took it upon themselves to find out from the former Vice-President of the chapter, Becky McMullen who is now Becky Posh, where I lived because she remembered the location as she saw me in that neighborhood. Sara and Becky were roomates!

 Becky had Bio lab stuff going on so she could not make it but all 4 of them came. Does 4 people ring a bell? This time it was 2 male and 2 female. Does the paralytic ring a bell? This time it was me being paralyzed figuratively not knowing what to do next.

 I vividly remember Sara asking me that they really, really wanted to help and what did I need done. I told her that they should go back to the dorms. She told me that she would go but not to stay but bring back boxes she had in McCormick Hall.

She did not mind going all the way back. She always had a helping attitude and finished her degree in Nursing at Pitt. If I was injured, she would be the first person to look at it. One time when I passed out in the cafeteria, she told the manager that she could take me to their dorm and let me rest in the guest room of their McCormick Castle sweet. She and all her roommates tried to do whatever they could to cheer me up and help me feel better including Bradley Gingrich (former leader of PITT-IVCF) that were visiting from the chapter. Sara went to make soup and Becky went to get me more layers of clothing to keep me from being chilly.

 Getting back to the apartment story, Sara would not have any of my ‘don’t need help stuff’ but like a professional mover she and all the others found whatever empty garbage bags/boxes and packed everything in 3 hours. They did not leave my place till 11:30 p.m. Josh had homework so he left early but then the next day Josh and David came back to help with Josh’s pickup truck. They packed everything into the pick up truck and unpacked it in Squirrel Hill.

After they left at 11:30 pm, the first thing my roomate  who was not a believer in Christ said to me was, "That was really nice of them to help you like that." Naturally he got curious and asked, "Where are they from?"

I answered from InterVarsity Christian Fellowship small group. His response was, "No wonder". They had made an impact on the roommate by their actions. Then he asked what their roles in the fellowship were and so on.


I have had others help me move at other times and I am thankful for them but this memory has been so special especially because as students seeing their love in action for their volunteer staff worker. I could see their love for me and there were times I told Sara that I don’t feel I am a good staff worker and she told me “You do a fine job” and those leaders that do come in the future they will come because the Lord is leading them.

It started with trust and building of a friendship. Just like you all receive this email, they used to receive emails and also I would mentor couple of them weekly and through the years. When I needed help, they were there for me then later.

 I am not involved heavily in IV anymore because of circumstances months later after all of them left but I will cherish that memory of students going out of their way to help their volunteer staff worker. During this time I was also mentored by Kent Walley, my former staff worker and now a pastor.

 I was paralyzed with so much to do and did not know where to start and they cleaned the whole apartment for me including sweeping, cleaning the kitchen, etc. Of all the IV student leaders, they are the ones I remember working so closely and passionately with. Sadly, as time went by I was not there for them as I should have been and that hurts me to this day but God in His grace can bring healing. I am so thankful that I worked with Jonathan Morton until I left my staff involvement in April 2001. I am part of IV but it in an indirect way right now.

Friends Readily Instill Encouragement Nurturing Daily Sacrificially! (F.R.I.E.N.D.S)/”What kind of friend are you?”

 I ask you now dear friend, what kind of friend are you?

Dear friend, you can be a special friend to someone in need. They may not even want your help but you know they are hurting because of what happened to them in their lives or what is occurring in their lives. You can be a loving presence in their life showing Christ’s love through your actions. Yes, it may take sacrifice and inconvenience but your help in their time of need will be cherished and forever remembered. Don’t give up on your friends when they are in need and you feel like there is nothing you can do or they tell you there is nothing you can do for me. There will always be a way to help someone paralyzed in their problems. I know because I have been there and was tremendously helped. What helped out more is that they never saw me as this staff worker who is above them to reach out but saw me as one of them who they could openly share things with and yet knew I had the experience as a staff worker in their own lives to help them.

 You can help people just as the Lord made you. It can be something small or something big but your help will help them. I know the Lord has blessed all of them in differently ways for no help done for God’s glory goes unnoticed. It is amazing how they put their lesson they were about to study into practice.

 I have not worked with a group of leaders as loving, respectful, and understanding as they were. I praise the Lord and am thankful for their friendship. You can be the one to make someone’s life special and have special memories of what you did for them. Won’t you take that step to help someone else and make them feel special?

 This summer I wanted to make others feel special and since I was working everyday with Pennsylvania Governor's School of International Studies 2002 group, I took it upon myself to make it a special experience for them. Little did I know that they would make something special for me. I love proudly displaying what they gave me.

If you ever need to talk to someone, pray with someone, or want to do a Bible study, you can call me at 412-720-4579 and I want to make myself available for you when I am not working. I don't really like my voice over the phone so if you don't recognize the voice, it is still me, he he :)


Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for the friendships you send our way that are so special that we cannot forget about them. Thinking about them only brings a fresh refreshment and at times sadness because of how much we miss them. Lord, even though we may not be involved in things we were passionately involved before, I pray you would use us to give a helping hand out to the needy and that we will have our ears open to those who are paralyzed in their problems whether it is physical, spiritual, emotional and that we can help them as we depend on you. Please Lord let us not use excuses of hardship from entering to help others out. Thank you Jesus for being the best friend we could ever, ever have. Oh Lord, greater love has no one than this that a person lay out his life for his friend. Lord, you sacrificed your life for us so that we can be saved and delivered from the paralysis of sin. I thank you for that. Please Lord help us now to serve you faithfully. Thank you for coming back to life to save us. Help us to get to know you, to hear your voice, and know you more. Help us to touch you and see your face keeping aside anything that hinders us from loving you and serving you as we serve others. Thank you Jesus. I acknowledge you as my Lord and personal Savior! In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!

Love in Christ,

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