Walk Along Lord's Kingdom! (W.A.L.K)

Ramesh C. Reddy

Managing Editor

Hi everyone :)

May the mercies and love of the Lord permeate your own life that you may come to realize what true love is! Amen!

“One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:36-40)

 In this passage, I saw 3 ways we are to love the Lord our God given by Jesus:

  1. Love the Lord your God with all your HEART.
  2. Love the Lord your God with all your SOUL.
  3. Love the Lord your God with all your MIND.

First, I thought to myself what does it mean to love the Lord with all my HEART? What came to my mind is the PHYSICAL aspect of our lives which is our body. The heart is what makes us live in our body. One of the functions of the heart is to give life to the body.

I asked myself how to love the Lord in the body. One thing immediately came to mind:

1. How I treat my body.

 Treating the body can involve do I show love to the Lord by taking care of my body by exercising, eating a balanced diet, getting enough rest, and refraining from harmful stuff. For the HEART is taken care of when we do these things regularly.

 God commands His children to take care of their bodies so they can get rest and refrain from things that their bodies are not to be used for.

 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work…for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day.” (Exodus 20:8-10,11)

 “You shall not commit adultery.”

 We can love the Lord our God with all our heart when we do not use our bodies to consume things that will be detrimental to our health whether it be excessive drinking or just smoking as examples but more than that if  we do not give our bodies for sexual pleasure willingly outside of marriage. This is something that is forbidden in Scripture and especially covered well in 1 Corinthians 6.

 I realized the Lord wants us to do our part in taking care of our body but if circumstances are such in our lives that we wanted to but could not, I believe the Lord does intervene to help so many times. Even when we have deliberately gone our way, God is merciful and helpful so many times. To be on the safe side and avoid consequences it would be best to refrain from negative things. (Romans 1,2)

Second, I thought about what does it mean to love the Lord with all my SOUL?

 What came to my mind is the SPIRITUAL dimension of our lives. Have I nurtured myself SPIRITUALLY by turning my life over to the Lord?

 I realized I could love the Lord with all my SOUL, by being in a relationship with the Lord and growing in that relationship by spending time with Lord by being in the Word, reading, meditating, and studying it and by spending time in Prayer. Also, I learned that needs to be supplemented with being part of a community of believers who will lift each other up by fellowship and corporate prayer and study of God’s Word. This way the SOUL is nourished and is healthy.

 I was reminded of the commandments that were given that deal with loving the Lord with our SOUL.

 “You shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3)

 “You shall not make yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them…”(Exodus 20:4-5)

 Finally, I thought to myself what does it mean to love the Lord with all my MIND?

What came to my mind is the PIE dimension of our life: Psychological, Intellectual, and Emotional! Have I been using my mind and allowing my mind to do things that show I love the Lord?

 I asked myself what are ways I can love the Lord with all my mind?

What came to my mind is that I need to take care of my mind no matter what psychological ailment I may have. I also need to use my mind to glorify the Lord in the intellectual aspects by studying to learn knowledge so I can help other children of God. In other words, I need to sharpen my mind with things to bring glory to God. Pursuing academics is one way to glorify the Lord and love Him with all our mind. Emotionally loving the Lord with our mind encompasses our thought life and put it simply the way we use our emotions. It also involves our interaction with others.

These commandments spoke to me about loving the Lord with all my mind.

“You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.” (Exodus 20:7)

 “Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”

 The key word I saw in all these 3 aspects of loving the Lord is “ALL” It encompasses a complete surrender and not holding anything back. Anything that is repetitious is so important. One of those words is “ALL” that has been repeated! The Lord wants our complete love. This is the greatest commandment Jesus gave to the expert in Jewish law.

Jesus did not stop there but included another commandment and said, “. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

 I thought to my self what does it means to ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’

 What came to my mind is the SOCIAL dimension of loving the Lord. Jesus even made the comment, ‘when you do it to the least of my brethren, you have done it unto me.’

 First, I thought to myself how do I love myself and that’s how I should love others. The Golden Rule came to my mind, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

I learned when we cannot love ourselves and who the Lord made us to be, it would be that much harder to love others. It is implicitly implied in this commandment to love ourselves.

 I asked myself how to love others and these commandments came to my mind-

 “You shall not murder.” (Exodus 20:13)

 “You shall not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20:14)

 “You shall not steal.” (Exodus 20:15)

 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.” (Exodus 20:16)

 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife….or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” (Exodus 20:17)

 After Jesus finished giving the 2 commandments to the expert in Jewish law, He said, “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

I ask you now dear friends, "How is your love?"

Dear friends our love towards the Lord and our neighbor is reflected in our actions! Those actions are governed by the spiritual, physical, psychological, and social dimensions of our life. Especially, whether all those areas come under the Lordship of Jesus Christ reveals the love we have towards the Lord and our neighbor is what I have been learning.

 I saw important implications for our lives. Whether we are students are not these principles can make an impact on our lives.

 We can love the Lord with all our HEART by eating well, exercising, getting rest, and refraining from using our body for illicit purposes.

 We can love the Lord with all our SOUL by studying the Word and being in a prayerful relationship with the Lord. This can be supplemented by being in a community of believers who love the Lord too. You can be part of a corporate prayer group or small group study in your church and fellowships you maybe part of. I encourage you to get involved if you already are not.

 We can love the Lord with all our MIND by practicing ways to keep ourselves emotionally, psychologically, and intellectually healthy. When I speak of emotionally, I mean not harboring stuff that can pile up and eat us up. Psychologically, if we have ailments such as depression, we can get help through counseling and medication for the Lord heals through medicine too. Intellectually, we can love the Lord by doing our best in the studies we have taken and learning knowledge for the glory of God rather than just studying for the grade. Emotionally, we can also make sure what goes in, for if we take garbage into our minds, we will get out garbage.

 These examples of loving the Lord are not exhaustive.

We can show we love the Lord by the way we love our neighbors too but we need to love ourselves first is what this passage thought to me. Friend, it is not always easy to love ourselves especially when we see our shortcomings. I want you to know that Jesus loves you as you are and He wants to help you love yourself if you don’t. He has called you by Name, you are precious and special in His sight. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You will never be out of His love and never be out of His reach!

 When you are able to understand the love of the Lord and His love permeates your life to be able to love yourself, you will be able to love others and this is where the SOCIAL dimension comes into play. There are so many ways to love our neighbors socially.

 I hope what I have learned has helped you as I shared it with you. May we all come to love the Lord with all our heart, mind, and soul for we have Christian lives to live and Jesus Christ to give!

Jesus said, "I am the Vine and my Father is the Gardener...." (John 15:1)

 Loving Our Vine Enthusiastically! (L.O.V.E)/”How is your Love?”


Dear Jesus, thank you so much for loving us unconditionally and we are never out of your love and out of your reach. You love us as we are. Help us Oh Lord to love you with all of our heart, mind, and soul and help us to love our neighbor as you help us love ourselves. We cannot do it on our own. Oh Lord none of us can keep the commandments and love as you want us to love without your intervention and supernatural help. So I pray for your Holy Spirit to work in us and through us please Lord. We need you and desire you. Help us Oh Lord for the glory of Your Name. Deliver us and thank you for atoning for our sins. And Lord I want to thank you that when we mess up, you are there to pick us up and help us over again. You are a God who is merciful and loves us so much. Thank you Jesus and thank you so much for the power of your Word and when we study your Word, how much we can learn from you. Thank you that Your Word is ‘Living and Active’, like a two-edged sword evaluating us. Thank you for being the Author of our Lives and giving us the best instruction manual to be able to live all the dimensions of our lives for your glory. We turn our lives over to thee and ask thee to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us with your cleansing blood. Thank you Jesus so much for dying for our sins and coming back to life to save us. In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!


Love in Christ,

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