“Messiah Inspires Nurture Daily” (M.I.N.D)

Ramesh C. Reddy

Editor in Chief

Hi everyone :)

May Lord use your mind for His honor and glory and may you know that He can inspire you and nurture you daily!

My Quiet Times for September 02,02: (Psalm 92, Proverbs 02, and Mark 2)

“Jesus could read their minds and said to them at once, “Why does this bother you?” (Mark 2:8)

 As I read Mark 2, v. 8 stuck out in my mind because of the phrase ‘could read their minds’.

 Whatever the Pharisees were thinking and talking amongst them, Jesus already knew. That is awesome to know that Jesus knows our thoughts even before we share those thoughts with Him. It can also be scary to know that Jesus knows what we are thinking even if we don’t express it, especially if what we are thinking is bad.

 But, the good side of this is Jesus knows us inside out including what we are going through and what’s on our mind. I find that so reassuring.

 I ask you now dear friends, what is on your mind?

Dear friends, whatever is on your minds, it is good to know that Jesus already knows. Yet, He wants us to share whatever we are going with Him. When we do not share, He still knows but there is something about talking to the Lord. It is a personal relationship. Whatever is on your mind, you do not have to face it alone. Even if it is so painful and you think nobody understands, Jesus wants to reach you where you are at. Come to Him as you are and allow Him to work in your life. He wants to help you.

 The other part to it is when we talk badly about others as the Pharisees were doing about Jesus, Jesus already knew about it and knows about what we do too. We may think we are talking behind a person’s back but the Lord is aware of it and is not happy. I know I have been guilty of that sadly. It is good to know that the Lord watches everything we do and knows about it to keep us accountable! Our Messiah imparts nurture daily as he knows what we are thinking!

"Messiah Imparts Nurture Daily!" (M.I.N.D)/”What is on your mind?”


Dear Lord Jesus, I want to thank you so much if you knew what the Pharisees were saying to each other and what they were thinking, I thank you Lord you know our minds too and what is going on in them. I thank you for being there for us. Please help us Oh Lord for the glory and honor of your Name. Thank you that we are in your thoughts always. I love you Jesus. Help us please Jesus. Thank you so much Jesus. In Your Name I Pray Jesus. Please forgive us our sins and hear our prayers Oh Lord. Thank you so much Jesus. Forgive us please when we talk badly about other people overtly, secretly, and in a gossiping way. We are so sorry Lord. Thank you for answering us. In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!

Love in Christ,