"Now Answer Messiah Everyday!" (N.A.M.E)

Ramesh C. Reddy
Editor in Chief

Hi you all :)

May you all receive all the blessings our Lord Jesus Christ has in store for you! May you all rest in His arms of love knowing there is power in His Name! Amen!

Quiet Times (Psalm 119:137-144 and Philippians 1:15-18)

“Righteous are you, O Lord, and your laws are right.” (Psalm 119:137)

“Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:9-11, NIV)


I asked myself why is ‘therefore’ used?

It reminded me of verses 5-8 referring to the attitude of Christ. I studied those verses in the previous devotional times I had: J.E.S.U.S and C.R.O.S.S.

 I saw a cause-and-effect relationship here.

 Because of the attitude of Jesus Christ and what He accomplished:

  1. God exalted Him to the highest place.
  2. God gave him the name that is above every name.

This is exciting to know because even though Jesus died on the cross for humanity, He did not remain dead but became alive again and is exalted to the highest place and has a name that is above every name.

I asked myself so what’s in a name?

I learned the things that will happen at the name of Jesus because of what Jesus did:

1. At the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven.

2. At the name of Jesus every knee should bow on earth.

3. At the name of Jesus every knee should bow under the    earth.

4. At the name of Jesus every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory   of the Father.


I asked myself what is the significance of each place mentioned?

I thought about what it means ‘in heaven’?

What came to my mind are all the angels, heavenly creatures, and saints of the Lord residing there with the Lord. They will continuously bow to the name of Jesus.

I thought about what it means ‘on earth’?

What came to my mind is every human that resides on earth that day will bow to the name of Jesus.

 I thought about what it means ‘under the earth’?

What came to my mind is every demon and all those in hell will one day bow to the name of Jesus.

To cap it all of, they will all confess Jesus is the Lord to the glory of the Father.

 I saw important implications here for our own lives.

One day where ever we are, we will bow down to the name of Jesus because of who He is. His glory and magnificent radiance cannot but draw us as a magnet to Him. Not only that but all will confess Jesus is Lord.

This is all a promise in the Word of God and it will all come true. So, whether I take Jesus’ Name lightly or seriously either way, His name is powerful and regardless of what I do now, there will come a day that my knees will bow to Him and my tongue will confess that He is Lord.

Since I know He is Lord and there is power in the Name of Jesus, why wait to give my allegiance to Him! After all that He has done for me, He is worthy of my praise and allegiance.  Even if we do not give Him our allegiance now, we will give it to Him one day so we may as well give our allegiance to Christ now!

I ask you now dear friends, how do you handle the name of Jesus?

Dear friends, there is power in the Name of Jesus. It is not just a name but has so much power more than we can imagine. At the Name of Jesus, every knee will bow and tongue will confess that He is Lord. It is not just at the Name but in the Name of Jesus, we have the victory and Satan will have to flee. In the Name of Jesus, we can pray and be answered by our Father in Heaven.

Isn’t that awesome friend?

I don’t know about you but it is so awesome to know that we can know Jesus more and more through His Word. His Word gives us all the ways we can get to know Him more and more.

Sadly, there are those who degrade the Name even now including it in curses and taking His Name in vain. There is power in the Name of Jesus and they do not even understand that because there is no one to tell them or reach out to them. At other times, some are so stubborn that they just don’t listen. But eventually, every one will bow and confess because Jesus is Lord!

May we honor the Name of Jesus starting right now and may His Name remind us of all that Jesus has done for us and will do for us! May we give our lives to Him continuously and allow Him to be in control.

Friend, do you call on the Name of Jesus?

Friend, no matter where you have been or what you have done, you can call on the Name of Jesus. Yes, you can! There is power and healing in the Name of Jesus. He will come and rescue you. I don’t know what you are going through but the Lord does and He wants to intervene. Many times when the Lord intervenes, we may not see the results according to our liking, but He sees the BIG PICTURE for you. Oh yes, He does! I know He does!

You can come as you are and lead others to Christ as they are letting them know that as they seek the Lord with their heart, Jesus will do the rest. He who began His good work in you and them will finish it to completion. That is so exciting to know for me and you!

No matter what you are faced with in academia, relationships, careers, etc know that the Name of Jesus has power this very hour for He will be your strong tower and you have no need to cower! Amen!

Now Answer Messiah Everyday! (N.A.M.E)/”How do you handle the Name?”


Jesus, thank you for your awesome attitude! I want to imitate your attitude and need your help. Jesus because of what you have done for us, you have been exalted to the highest place and at your Name everyone will bow down and confess you as Lord to the glory of the Father. Lord, I do not want to wait until that day before I give my allegiance to you. I want to give it to you now and surrender my life to you. You are worthy of my praise. Please hold me in your arms and never let me runaway. I long to know you more and more! Thank you for the power of your Name. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins and coming back to life to save me. Oh Lord, those in hell will also bow down to you but they cannot escape hell. I pray Oh Lord that you will use us to reach our loved ones so they do not have to spend eternity in Hell. Help us Oh Lord for the glory and honor of your Name. And Lord, you know where we are in our life. Forgive us when we have not surrendered our own lives to you and help us please. We ask you to come into our heart and make our heart your home. Live in us Jesus and we will live for you and serve you as you become the Author of our Life. I thank you Jesus for everything. And Lord, I pray for the one who does not know you and spends time cursing you and taking your name in vain. Forgive them Oh Lord and bring them to you. Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah, I praise you for the answer. I praise you and thank you for hearing us and answering us! In Your Name I Pray Jesus for everything! Amen!

Love in Christ,

P.S. Check out the ZanyCrossword puzzle I created for you all.
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