"Savior Helps All Recover Everyday!" (S.H.A.R.E)

Ramesh C. Reddy
Editor in Chief

Hi everyone :)

May you experience the caring and praying of others for you as they share in your burdens depending on the Lord for help! Amen!

Quiet Times (Psalm 145 and Philippians 4:14)

“The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. The LORD is faithful to all his promises and loving towards all he has made. The LORD is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made. The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” (Psalm 145:8-9,13,17-18, NIV)

 “Yet, it was good of you to share in my troubles.” (Philippians 4:14, NIV)

In the previous verse I had learned about where Paul had received his strength which I studied in yesterday’s Devotional Times called S.T.R.E.N.G.T.H.  It is interesting to know that even though he receives his strength from the Lord, he is thanking the Philippians for sharing in his troubles by calling it good.

 I saw important implications for my own life. No matter how much people depend on the Lord’s strength to get them through, as brothers and sisters in the Lord it will be good of us to share in one another’s troubles.

I ask you now dear friend how do you share in others troubles?

Dear friend it is awesome to know that we can share in other people’s troubles by making their load light. I am reminded of the passage in Galatians 6:2 that talks about ‘carrying one another’s burdens and so fulfilling the law of Christ.’ Friend, maybe you are faced with trouble right now and need a helping hand and wish there was someone out there who can visibly give you a hand. I want you to know that I want to share in your trouble as much as I can to make your load light.

Whatever you are going through, you can email me, we can set up a time to meet together to talk and pray to the Lord of Heaven and earth. Also, whatever I am able to do, I would love to help out. You need not go at it alone. Yes, there is the Lord’s strength to get you through but I believe He uses His children to help others too. I just want you to know that I am available if any of you need help. Of course, I am hoping there are others to that are willing to give a helping hand.

 If you do not know already, I am who the students call the Swiper-guy or Have a Nice Day guy from the Marketplace as I work as a Student Manager for all the units. I usually work at that unit Tue and Thursdays from 11:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m, so you can feel free to drop by. It is usually slow after every hour so we can talk there too or just I am willing to actively listen. My number is 412-720-4579 if you want to get in touch with me.

There is someone who is troubled that you know of and it is possible that the Lord has called you at such a time as this to help them out. You can pray with them, listen to them, or if it is in your capability directly help ease their troubles. It is so Scriptural to carry one another’s burdens.

I can remember my first experience as a student with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship when one of the staff volunteers, Kevin Leibach was always on the 5th floor of the William Pitt Union during his breaks. As a Christian who had rededicated his life to the Lord in college, I had a lot of issues to work through. Kevin would be there to help me through them by praying with me and quoting Scripture especially Jeremiah 29:11. Not only that whatever he was able to do he would. Years later when I was having difficulty at home, they were willing to house me in their house even though it did not need to come to that. I saw Kevin as a dad and Elizabeth Leibach as a second mom. That’s how much they were there for me. Since then the Lord has helped me to grow a lot in Him and also have wonderful experiences in InterVarsity that I decided to try out for staff.

 Never think you cannot help someone else in need. Regardless of what they are going through, just your presence there could help them through it even if you do not say a word. One thing I have learned is not being judgmental in the situation. Kevin and Elizabeth never were judgmental including my former staff worker Kent Walley. They worked with me where I was and helped me through the issues.

I was helped so much because they shared in my troubles that I never wanted them to leave Pitt because for me they were like angels. I am reminded of the series ‘Touched by an Angel’. The Lord could use someone at one place for a specific time and then move them on to other places to help others. I believe that’s what Kevin, Elizabeth, and Kent are doing. Kevin and Elizabeth continue to work with international students even though it is not with IVCF and Kent has gone to become a pastor in South Carolina.

 Right now I am thankful for the time I have been able to be on Pitt campus and continue to be on Pitt campus. Until the Lord moves me on to another area, I desire to serve you all to the best of my ability and share your burdens too.

After everything that I have gone through, I have not been free of burdens but whenever I face a serious issue currently I am thankful for my mom being there for me and my pastor Andrew Gill of New Hope Christian Community. For some of my weaknesses affected me in ministry and I cannot go back where I used to be but thanks be to God that He is compassionate and gracious. He uses us in our weaknesses and His strength is manifest.

I share this with you because you never know whose life you will touch in a mighty powerful way for the honor and glory of the Lord. I have always had high ambitions to be a lawyer but after how I was helped, I wanted to minister to others students with the love of Christ and have put law on hold. The good thing is I am able to take classes and learn legal studies on my own even as I work and minister.

 You can be that person to make an impact on someone’s life because you cared enough to share their troubles with them and pray with them. May you see the Lord Jesus work in your life to help others recover as you depend on His Holy Spirit to guide you and lead you! Amen!

I would like to share with you a poem I wrote regarding the problem-solution for the troubles people feel they face.

Amidst Problems There Is A Way (Read John 14) 24

Is your life full of Pain?
Do you feel like every decisions you made seem in Vain?
Do you feel like your mistakes made a permanent Stain?
And you are now walking in life's wrong Lane?
Do you feel like there is nothing to Gain?
Cause you have taken your own Path?
And do not know where you are headed or At?
"Only If" you keep thinking to yourself as you alone Sat?
Your decisions make you feel full of Guilt?
Your decisions made your daily life upside down Tilt?
You feel it is now hard to have your life properly Built?
Someone mightier than your problems will show you the Way.
With His love and kindness, He will guide you day by Day.
He loves you so much that with His Blood, your sin He did Pay
As He on the cross crucified Lay.
On the Third Day, God brought Him Back
And He is ready to save us with Salvation we all Lack
And in our life put us back on the right Track. (Isa 20:31)
Regardless of the problems we have been carrying in a Sack.
Speaking of Jesus Christ, God's Holy Son (John 3:16)
Who wants to have all your problems though they weigh a Ton.
With Christ's help we can handle problems w/o having to Run
And Jesus will let you know, you have well Done.
Please accept Jesus into your Heart. (Romans 10:9)
In your life, Jesus will always do His Part (Phil 4:13)
And help you satan's fiery arrows Dart
As you give Jesus a Start. (Rom 10:13)

 Savior Helps All Recover Everyday! (S.H.A.R.E)/”How do you share in others troubles?”


Dear Jesus, I want to thank you right now for all those that have made an impact in our own lives. You Oh Lord have used them for your honor and glory and to show your love to those who are hurting and in trouble. Thank you for all those that have helped me in my life. Most of all thank you for the strength you give and for your mighty help Oh Lord. Lord as we have been helped, help us to help others as we are capable trusting in you. Lord help us when we are in trouble not to be lone rangers but to seek after help. I thank you Lord for the Philippians who shared in Paul’s troubles. Let us not be prideful to take help. I thank you for the brothers and sisters you have placed in our lives and even those that do not know you that give a helping hand. I pray Lord that they would come to know you as their Lord and personal Savior. Please continue to use Kevin, Liz, Kent and all those that have made an impact in someone’s life. Please use me to help others as you choose. I thank you Jesus for your help and for answering our prayer. You know what we go through and where we have been. We give our lives to thee and ask thee for your strength. Thanks for hearing us and answering us! In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!

Love in Christ,

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