“Trick Rests In Camouflage Killing!” (T.R.I.C.K)/”"Treat Reveals Everyday Almighty’s Truth!” (T.R.E.A.T)

Ramesh C. Reddy
Editor in Chief

Hi everyone :)

May the Lord Jesus bless you and may you know you can be treated by the Lord and not tricked by Satan! Amen!

Quiet Times (Psalm 131 and Philippians 3:15-17)

 All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained. Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you.” (Philippians 2:15-17)

 As I looked at these verses, “take such a view of things” stuck out. I thought about it and realized that he was referring to the previous verses from Philippians, especially pressing on toward the prize

He is also assuring the Philippians if at some point they think differently, that too God will make clear to them. This was very significant for me because it made me realize that as followers of Christ, it is possible that we can keep dwelling in the past but the comfort is in knowing that the Lord will make it clear to us that there is no point dwelling on the past. Also, if we go our own way, the Lord can treat us to the right direction though we have been tricked by Satan.

Paul wanted them to live in the present and join with others to follow his example and the examples of those that have been living according to the biblical pattern.

I ask you now dear friends, is your pattern of life filled with trick or treat?

Dear friends, there are so many patterns we can live our life after. But not all the patterns have the approval of the Lord Jesus Christ. If there is any approval we need, it should be of the Lord Jesus Christ. If what we do is approved of the Lord, then we should continue in it regardless of those around us who live after their own patterns.

Living a pattern for the Lord is not easy but I know as we seek the Lord, His Holy Spirit will lead us and guide us. When we mess up, the Lord will be there to pick us up and help us get back on the biblical pattern as we turn to Him.

It is so sad when we let our peers and those around us dictate our pattern of living if it is not according to Scripture. Paul was asking the Philippians to imitate biblical pattern of living. These days it is peer pressure that rules and that is so sad.

May you allow the Lord Jesus Christ to help you in your pattern if living! Amen!

“Trick Rests In Camouflage Killing!” (T.R.I.C.K)/”"Treat Reveals Everyday Almighty’s Truth!” (T.R.E.A.T)

 It is a trick not to realize what the devil wants to offer you. I wrote a personification poem on what Satan stands for. My prayer is that you are not tricked. It is followed by a treat to realize what the Lord offers you in His love!

 Trick not to realize 


© 2001                                                                  By Ramesh C. Reddy


Love to see people in the fire, they call me the evil one

Once in my dominion there is no where to run

People turn to me for all kinds of fun

I don’t tell them the damage that can be done

I love to invite you all to my place called hell

Separated man and woman from God as they fell

When they listened to ideas I liked to tell

Now I am glad they are not well

For all eternity love to see them scream and yell

My favorite dish I like to serve is a virus called sin

In my clutches so glad no one can win

In your life I love to be in

You can join the rest of my kin

I have a way of invading the heart, soul, strength, and mind

My deadly virus has a way to keep you forever in a bind

When I fell from grace I took angels numbering one-third

I love to see people not following God’s Word

I specialize in offering lies as the truth

So in humans they can fully take root

Just as I tempted Adam & Eve to eat the fruit.

Cause my favorite event is called “Burn, baby Burn”

 I am the Fallen Angel Lucifer, people come to learn

As Satan, I love to see people burn and mourn

Only tremble when to the Savior Jesus Christ, people turn


  Treat to realize




                                                                                By Ramesh C. Reddy

Love to see you in my presence, I am the Holy One

I love you so much, for you I gave my only begotten Son

Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Being delivered from the deadly power of sin’s strife

No matter what the sin virus has done

With my antidote, in life, you can victoriously run

My Son went to the cross to produce it

As His hands and feet, with 3 nails, were pierced with

And his body, for you, was bruised & broken by every hit 

Now for humanity His cleansing blood flowed bit by bit

He died and came back to life to save you from Hell’s pit

Heaven and Hell are real and it is no myth

In Heaven, at my Right Hand, my Son does sit

Jesus is His Name!

For your redemption, He came.

To save you from Hell’s flame

And to give your life a new aim

His antidote of blood can rescue you from sin’s deadly game

But you gotta make a choice whether Satan or Jesus, you pick

Remember all of Satan’s ways are a trick

Jesus wants to deliver you from the sin that makes you so sick

Won’t you accept His free gift of Grace

Letting His Spirit help you overcome the virus you face?

His grace is what sets you free to win life’s race

Because of the antidote of blood shed to deliver you from sin’s ways

It is by grace you are saved through faith

Not of any works that you should boast, Jesus saith

You coming to me, Satan does hate

Because he is all evil to this date

Upon me He does not want you to wait

For He knows I can deliver you from Hell’s place

And set you on Heaven’s base

Come to me my child

No matter how your life has been wild

For I am gentle and mild

You, with love, joy, & peace I want to treat

And One day in Heaven personally greet

I want to receive you with the power of my love

And give you my Holy Spirit that came upon me like a dove

Sin separated you from me

But my blood was shed to set you free

So together we can once again be

Life with me you gotta experience and see

Though trials and tribulations come, I will be your Key

Whether you are a child, adult, or teen

No matter how your life has been

I want to take you by my side

In my presence, you can abide

For you I came back to life after I died

My love for you is so deep, high, and wide

You are special and precious in my sight

I want to help you in life with all my might

Helping you do what is right

To escape sin’s destructive bite

Now Satan’s ways you can fight

And come into the beautiful Light!


Dear friend, will you accept the trick or will you accept the treat? The choice is yours. Each of us was separated from God because we all missed the mark. We messed up and became a prisoner to sin. What if you were to die tonight, would you know for sure where you would be? If God asks you why should I let you into Heaven, what would be your response? If your response is all the good that you have done, what about that one wrong thing you did? God in His Holiness cannot allow sin to enter his presence because this type of virus can be very contagious. What is the alternative? It would be to let you be in a place where people with that virus continue to reside: Hell. Then how can anyone be saved? It is Salvation through God’s grace offered to you and me through Christ’s cleansing blood and the power of His resurrection. When you claim the antidote, you will be covered with it. Now when God sees you, He will see Christ’s cleansing blood covering you and washing away all your sins. Because Christ washes away and forgives all your sins, you have entrance into Heaven. Isn’t that exciting? Don’t you want that my friend? You can know that you are saved and belong to the Holy One. If you want to receive God’s gift of Eternal life won’t you pray this prayer and mean it in your heart:


Dear Jesus, I am covered with this deadly virus known as sin. It infects my life so much and dictates how I live my life. As Sept 11 reminds me, none of us can be sure how long we will live. When I die I want to be with you in Heaven and need your help. I am so sorry for my sins. Please forgive me of my sins as I repent of my sins to you. I accept the antidote of your cleansing blood to wash away my sins. I confess with my mouth that you are Lord and believe in my heart that you were raised from the dead to give Eternal Life to those who turn to you. Please come into my heart and make my heart your home. Live in me Jesus and I will live for you and serve you the rest of the days of my life. Thank you Jesus. I acknowledge you as my Lord and Personal Savior. Please be my Lord and Personal  Savior. Fill me please with your Holy Spirit giving me new life. Thank you Jesus. I don’t know you well but I choose to get to know you more and more Lord. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for saving me. Please hear my prayers. Thank you Lord you have heard my prayers and answered me. On this Halloween day, I give my life to you and surrender all that I am to you. Help me live this life for you. Thank you Jesus! Thank you for loving me so much. Jesus, there are so many patterns of living we are faced with but not all patterns of living pleases you and glorifies you. Forgive us Lord for the times we have gone our own way and done our own things. We have not always loved you with our whole heart. We have not loved others as you would have us love them. We are sorry Lord and ask you for your help in our lives. Thank you Jesus for loving us so much and dying for our sins! Thank you for coming back to life to save us. We come to you now and give ourselves to you and ask you to be the Lord of our life! Give us the willingness and strength to live for you. I thank you Lord when our pattern of living deviates from how you want us to live, you will make us aware of how we have been thinking differently than how you would have us think. Help us to imitate the commandments from your Word. For we trust you and believe in you. Thank you for hearing us and answering us! Thank you for being in our life this Halloween day! In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!

For more spiritual help please check out my website at or email me at for fellowships and churches in the area.

Love in Christ,

P.S. Check out the ZanyCrossword puzzle I created for you all.
It is interactive which means you can solve it online.

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