Letter to Editor

Homosexuality cannot be condoned, respected, or acknowledged

            Let me start off by saying that I am whole heartedly against homosexuality and everything that its supporters stand for. 

             Before you call me a homophobe or a racist, allow me to explain myself, or don’t because that is your choice as an American.  Homosexuality is a life decision! Not! I repeat NOT, a life decision.

             First, if homosexuality is in fact a trait that one is born with, I challenge all of you that feel this way to show me twins who are both homosexual. I am willing to bet that you will not be able to do that. 

             Second, why, if homosexuality is genetic, are humans the only species on the planet in which homosexuality is seen? 

             Thirdly, when gays refer to their life style, a popular moniker is alternative lifestyle! If this is an accurate, or PC description of how a homosexual lives his life, then would a person with down-syndrome also be under the umbrella of alternative lifestyle? I don’t believe so! 

             If homosexuality is the way you choose to live your life then by all means do it, but please do not expect me to condone, respect, or even acknowledge it. That is my right!

Andrew Craley