Posted on Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 11:13 a.m. (EST) & 08:43 p.m. (IST),  MAY 2018 Edition

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“Bharath Ane Nenu Deserves an Academy Award!”

Ramesh C. Reddy

How far would you go to keep a promise?

What sacrifice would you make for your father or mother?

What does it mean to be a servant leader?

How would you battle the status quo?

How would you fight corruption within your own ranks?

What is ethical journalism vs unethical journalism?

What is purity in a relationship?

What does it mean to truly love?

Bharath Ane Nenu is a political thriller that addresses these issues such as promise-keeping, sacrifice, servant leadership, winning battles, fighting corruption, honor for family, ethical living, purity, love, etc that can be watched over and over again.

Watching this movie made me feel proud to be an Indian living in America! I could not stop myself from clapping throughout the movie.

Watch Bharath Trailer:

Questions to Ponder after watching the movie:

1. What character do you most identify yourself with and why?

2. What promise did you keep even when it was not in your best interest and what was the result?

3. What have you sacrificed for your family and how is it different or similar to Bharath’s actions?

4. How have you dealt with not going with the flow but being ethical regardless of circumstances and why? How is that similar or different to what Bharath did?

5. Everyone has to fight corruption whether it is of the heart, mind, soul, environment, etc so how will you fight corruption? How is that similar or different to what Bharath did?

6. If you are asked to be a journalist, what would your number 1 rule be and why?

7. What is purity and true love to you and how is it different or similar to what happened in Bharath Ane Nenu?

8. What does it mean to be a servant leader to those around you and how is it similar or different to Bharath's actions?


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