Published on Friday, Oct, 16, 2015 at 08:20 a.m. (EST) &  Sun, Oct 16, 15 at 05:50 p.m. (IST),  OCT 2015 Edition

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“Prayer Reaches Almighty Yeshua! (P.R.A.Y)”

Ramesh C. Reddy

"I love the Lord because he hears my prayers and answers them. Because he bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I breathe!" (Psalm 116:1-2)

What stuck out to me was the Psalmist saying, 'I love the Lord'
Because He hears my prayers
Because He answers them
Because He bends down and listens,

I will pray as long as I breathe!

What is exciting to know is that He is the same Lord that I can pray too. I can be confident that He hears my prayers and answers them. I can be confident that He bends down and listens to me. So, I can pray as long as I breathe.

How true that is in our own lives when we think about talking to others!

Don't we want to talk to those who would hear us and answer us?

Don't we want to talk to those who would take their time to bend down and listen to us?

When we know we are being heard and a response to on it's way, we are more confident to talk to that person than when we feel
'What's the point of talking to this person, since they never hear us, answer us, or really listen to us?'

Even when people fail us when we talk to them, the Lord will never fail us. He will always hear us, answer us, and bend down to listen to us.

This does not mean that the answer to our prayers should come the way we want it too. The Lord is not a genie in the bottle to grant us 3 wishes or more according to our desires. But, He is One who loves us so much that He will answer us according to His will.

I should never get discouraged in my prayers to the Lord because the answer is not coming the way I want it too because I can be confident whatever I talk to the Lord, the answer will come whether it is a 'No', 'Yes', or 'Wait'.

I can know whatever reaches the Lord's ears, He is not One to take it lightly but cares for us so deeply that He will respond in His loving way. Thank you Jesus.

It hurts me when I hear people say,
'What's the point of praying to the Lord now since I have asked the Lord time and time again for this and that, but nothing seems to be happening?'

I don't want to ever give up on prayer because I know my Lord will answer me in His timing.

I ask you now dear friend, when do you P.R.A.Y in life?
Dear friend, if you pray only when you feel the answer is to your liking and stop praying if the answer does not come the way you want it too, you have made the Lord your genie in the bottle but He is not your genie in the bottle but One who loves you so much and sees everything that is happening in your life. He will never take the words you send to Him lightly but will process every single word with His hearing and listening because He loves you so much.

This should be exciting to know that you can pray as long as you breathe because He will hear your prayers; He will listen to you; and He will answer your prayers. Yes, He will friend so please don't give up. We can take the Psalmist's testimony to heart from the entire Psalm of how the Lord delivered Him. He can do the same for you in His way and His timing.

Answers to your prayers will come His way and in His timing. Don't let the time factor ever discourage you from talking to the Lord daily even about a same issue. Prayers are not answered overnight even though that can happen if the Lord chooses but they are answered.

Don't think 'Yes' is just an answer to prayer and not 'No' or 'Wait'.

Think back in your life and remember when you have prayed to the Lord and the answer came back as 'No' or 'Wait'.

When you reflect back, has there been a time when you have said, 'I love you Lord so much because you have said 'No' to this thing or said 'Wait' to this thing'; now I have better than what I asked you for?

I know it has happened in my life time after time. It reminded me of the times, I just kneeled down and lifted my hands to Heaven for the Lord's answers to my prayers. I just wanted to shout, 'I LOVE YOU LORD'. It also reminded me of the times my precious wife Chandraleela would shout out, 'I LOVE YOU LORD'.

I will share two examples from this week alone about answered prayer:

My precious wife
Chandraleela, Pastor Hugo, Edwin & Marie, Calvin & Elise, Pastor Mike & Jeanne and others have prayed for my work schedule to change. When I got my new hours which start today, I just dropped everything I was doing, dropped to the floor, kneeled down, and gave thanks to the Lord for His answer to our prayers right in my office. My wife wanted my schedule to change so I can be there with her in the evenings for Esther, our precious 3 year old and Evangeline, our precious 4 1/2 month old. The Lord answered the prayer in His timing.

More than the hours change, what was more amazing is that this past Sunday during Sunday School, our precious Esther stayed the whole class without crying for Mommy or Daddy. For the first time in months, I was able to hear Pastor Hugo's sermon because Chandra and I could leave Esther alone by herself with the Sunday School kids.

Since the time Esther was born, either Chandra or I would always be by her side. We never wanted her to cry but always be happy and cheerful. So, it would break our heart to leave her alone in the nursery or Sunday School when we knew she would cry and cry. There was also a time, she did not want to go to church because she thought one of us would not be with her.

What was hard for us was that other parents were leaving their kids in the nursery or Sunday School without having any problems with their kids crying as they grew but our Esther would cry. I told my wife that we should not compare ourselves with others and raise Esther how we felt we should. We always wanted her to be cheerful and bring smiles to others.

We did not want her to fear going to church so I told her that I would never leave her but be by her side at church. I did that for months and planned on it even this past Sunday. In the class, I decided to hide to see if she would start to cry but she did not. She had so much fun with
JingJing and others.

Even though we were doing this for her happiness and cheerfulness, we wanted her to be able to be in class by herself without crying so we prayed about it. The Lord in His mercy and grace granted us an answer to our prayer when she decided to be in Sunday School all by herself now since Sept 2012 when she was born. It is His mercy that granted us this answer because we could not get ourselves to leave her alone without crying.

We cannot express how happy we were to see this happen but more than that I could finally listen to a sermon by Pastor Hugo because I was not with Esther in Sunday School.

Friend, these are just two answers to prayers this week alone. Both of them took months to be answered but the Lord did answer them.

He will answer your prayers too when you go to Him but in His precious timing.

Prayer is Wonderful, Prayer is Powerful
By Ramesh C. Reddy

Prayer is Wonderful,
Prayer is Powerful
More of Prayer in my life
Lord, in the morning time
I will pray to you
Lord, in the noon time
I will pray to you
Lord, in the evening time
I will pray to you
Lord in the night time
I will pray to you
For You are the Answer
For You are the Answer
Prayer is Wonderful
Prayer is Powerful
More of prayer in my life!

"Prayer Reaches Almighty Yeshua! (P.R.A.Y)"/"I ask you now dear friend, when do you P.R.A.Y in life?"

Lord Jesus, thank you so much for loving me so much that you take time to hear me, listen to me, and answer me in your timing. Please never let me be discouraged to talk to you when I don't get the response when I want it. I trust in you Lord. Lord let me hold on to you always because when I am holding on to you, I am holding on to hope. Thanks so much Jesus. I love you Lord. In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!

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