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Updated Thur, Aug 10, 2006 at 11:25 a.m. EST



AUG 04 - JULY 05



Special three year   anniversary 9-11 edition


Blasi on Board Brings Brightness!


President Bush's inaugural address focuses on freedom, friendship, and faith!


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Election 2004:



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PSelect-cision 2004 asks: "What are issues that are most important to you that you are basing your vote on and why?"


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Trial advocate Edwards could not defend Kerry against charges!


Who cares for the the 2nd victim!


Republicans are the political party for African-Americans and people of different ethnicities!

Answering, "Voting for neither candidate of a major political party is going to bring us closer to God."




Carnegie Library corrupts the morals of a minor!


SGB and Rainbow Alliance’s view of homosexuality is not held by all!


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FDA should continue to ban gay sperm and ignore editorials opposing them!




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Greek Life


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Human Resource Management Final Exam Sample Questions II

Human Resource Management Final Exam 45 Sample Questions

“Terrorism Threat Thwarted Today!"

By Ramesh C.Reddy
Pittsburgh Standard

Thursday, August 10, 2006

As Americans were sleeping soundly, British Intelligence, MI-5 arrested at least 21 people who were directly involved in the plot to blow up more than 10 airplanes in the air simultaneously as they went from U.K to the United States.

I believe it was divine intervention that helped the intelligence officers foil the plot. As a result of this threat which would have killed unprecedented number of people which would have made 9-11 look like nothing, the threat level in America and U.K has been raised to the highest level.

It is good to know that Homeland Security in an unprecedented move has banned all liquids in carry on bags such as beverages, shampoos, etc. No gels, toothpastes, etc can be carried too! The swiftness of the intelligence community must be commended.

Since the terror plot involved bringing liquids on the airplanes and making them into an explosive, U.K has banned all carry on bags.

If it were up to the far left and liberal Democrats who want the Bush administration and Blair’s administration to crumble, this intelligence effort would not have been possible.

It is these same far left people who are the likes of Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Ned Lamont (D-CT) will hurt America and their own states.

Lamont defeated Joe Lieberman (D-CT) who sided with the Bush administration on defense and the war on terror in the Connecticut primary. Our hope is that this terror foil plot would make the citizens of Connecticut and the rest of the liberal Dmocrat voters see that their life is more in danger with liberal Democrats in power who care too much about domestic issues than foreign issues.

But our domestic lives can be only safe when we are diligent in foreign affairs. As the continued ‘War on Terror’ ensues, we need more likes of Bush and people like Lieberman who care to fight the ‘War on Terror’ whether it is in Iraq, Lebanon, U.K., America, etc.

If you have become complacent and side with the American Civil Liberties Union (A.C.L.U) which mind you started with communist beliefs, youuld think again. Sometimes some liberties must be curtailed to ensure the safety of thousands.

If you are a Muslim or look like a Muslim to authorities who stop you, understand where they are coming from! Don’t make it into a stereotype or race issue and run to the A.C.L.U.

In prison, when one prisoner makes a mess, it affects the rest of the prisoners. That is the way life is. It is usually one person or a group that messes it up for others.

Sadly, it is Muslims in the name of doing things for Allah that have caused more terrorism in the world than any other group. It should not be surprising then if they are targeted more closely by authorities.

If you are a Muslim and feel your rights have been curtailed, it is because of a group of people of your religion who have constantly been in the limelight when it comes to terrorism. I feel bad for any of you who are Muslim and even for myself because we have to suffer for the actions of a radical few.  I have wonderful Muslim friends who would not even hurt a fly.

One of my mentors is a Muslim and has so much character. When I first met him I did not know he was a Muslim. Because of his actions that I saw constantly, I thought he was a Christian because I have only met Christians who were that kind. I later found out that he is a Muslim. Anyone who meets him will see how gentle he is and yet authoritative in his job. Many times when I am quick to react towards employees, he is the one that reminds me and ask myself, “What would Jesus do?” in that situation.

My former roommate is a Muslim too and he is so nice! Years ago, when I was in a financial jam, he paid my rent for six months which I was able to pay it back.

It is not just Muslims but any group that has a history of a particular vice that is targeted by authorities. Catholic priests are screened more carefully now because of many being accused of child molestation. It should not make them mad if they are screened more carefully rather they should understand too!

It should be known that I have been stopped multiple times by authorities because I look like a Muslim to many. It is not just authorities but others too. I was at a Chaplaincies Association meeting and one of the other chaplains automatically assumed I was Muslim, and made the remark, “Let us see what the chaplain from the Muslim group has to say.”

First of all, I had to tell him that I was not representing a Muslim group but that I was representing a Christian group. People make judgments because of their own perceptions. We cannot punish someone because of their perceptions as long as they do not let their perceptions turn into racist or discriminatory actions that are against the law.

There have been three situations where I was stopped and scrutinized carefully by the authorities. I could have taken it personally but my mom made me understand where they were coming from and I agree.

If you are familiar with the Old Testament, you will come to realize how many times an individual’s action or a groups’ action affected the rest of the individuals and groups there. Many times an entire group was punished for the actions of an individual such as Achan.

Let me share with you what I have been through but do not have a problem with it because I know the authorities were doing their job to protect other citizens.

Situation 1: I was at Lexington, KY arena to watch a basketball game. I was followed constantly by their police and they even came to the seat where I was watching the game and asked me what I did with the video camera I had. I could have felt like being harassed but I knew they were doing it for the protection of their citizens because to them I looked like a suspicious Muslim who could pose a danger.

Situation 2: I was in Washington, D.C covering the Reagan funeral procession. After it was over, I was getting ready to go. So many people had book bags on their shoulders but not one was asked to show what is in their book bag. I was detained and asked to show what was in it. Not only that, Capitol police took my ID and checked it for awhile before letting me go!

Situation 3: I was at the Waterfront covering a scene where many fire engines and patrol cars surrounded the area. I was stopped by police and grilled. I was detained for 45 minutes before I was let go.

I could have handled the situation in two ways. One way would have been to say that they are doing it because I look like a Muslim to them and that I was going to sue them, etc.

Who would that really benefit in the long run?

It would have been because my ego was bruised. Rather than thinking about our own ego, we should be focused on other people. They were doing it not out of maliciousness but because for welfare of others.

The other way to handle it is cooperating which I did. Stereotyping will happen and liberties will be curtailed because of many terrorists groups made up of Muslims. Even though I am an Evangelical Christian, my complexion can make people think that I am a Muslim and they might be more cautious what I carry and do then others.

I should not take that personally and you should not too. Only when we are all cooperative and think about others can we stop terrorism from striking.

If we hold to groups like A.C.L.U and put money in their pockets, we will get people killed because we try to sue every law enforcement officers who detains us because they thought we are suspicious.

Let them do their jobs and cooperate with them! Thanks to those that thwarted the terrorism threat today!  My hope is that you will join me in allowing authorities to do their job even if it is inconvenient to you!

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