Posted on Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 11:31 a.m. (EST) & 10:00 p.m. (IST),  FEB 2014 Edition

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“Today Restfully Understanding Savior Trust!

Ramesh C. Reddy

Editors Note: This devotional was originally sent through email on Friday, November 20, 1998 at 12:58:17 p.m. to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) students and others who wanted to receive daily devotionals at the University of Pittsburgh while I was serving at IVCF! It is being republished on Pittsburgh Standard today with any revisions HIGHLIGHTED.

"What I want from your is your true thanks; I want your promises fulfilled. I want you to trust in me in your times of trouble, so I can rescue you, and you can give me glory." (Psalm 50:14-15)

Approach Question:
When do you trust in the Lord?

I asked myself what does God want from me?

1. God wants my true thanks.
2. God wants my promises fulfilled if I make a promise.
3. God wants me to trust in Him in my times of trouble.

I asked myself for what purpose?

1. So God can rescue me.
2. So I can give God glory.

I ask you now dear friend, when do you trust in the Lord?
Dear friend,
I do not know what you are facing right now. Each of us can have situations in our life that seem too big to handle. Our Lord knows what we face will not always be easy. When we are suffering, He is there to suffer with us. It is easy to trust God when things are going our way. What the
Lord desires is that we trust in Him when everything that can seem to go wrong starts to go wrong. In times of trouble is when we need to continue to trust in the Lord.

What are the troubles you are facing right now?
Is it with a relationship?
Is it with your classes?
Is it with your family?
Is it with your friends?
Is it with your own self?, etc

Whatever the trouble is, the Lord is watching over you. He will rescue you and you can give Him the glory. When God rescues us, He does it His way and not our way. So let us not presuppose that we know the best way for us to be rescued from a situation because we do not know! The Lord knows and will rescue us according to His will! What He wants from us is our total obedience to Him!

Please don't worry about anything. I know it is easier said than done but the Lord desires that you do not worry.

In the Sermon on the Mount (ch.6) we learn, why worry?
Will it add a single day to our life?

No, it won't! We are in God's loving, Helping Hands and can rest in Him! Whatever happens there is a reason that we may not even understand.

"Today Restfully Understanding Savior Trust!"/"When do you T.R.U.S.T in the Lord?"

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for your promises. You want us to trust in you in our times of trouble so you can rescue us and we can give you the glory. Help us Oh Lord to always depend on you and turn all our worries over to you because you want us to leave to you all our worries and cares. Thank you so much for thinking about us and watching everything that concerns us. We turn our life over to you and depend on you for your help. You don't want us to worry because worry cannot add a single day to our life but depend on you. Help us to do that. In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!

May the Lord Jesus guide you in His love leading you! Amen!

No matter what you feel in your heart, know that Jesus has come in and resides with you when you give Him your heart! You are not alone! To make your walk strong with the Lord, spend time in prayer talking to Him as you would to a friend. You don’t need special words to talk to the Lord. Spend time in His Word reading Psalms and turning them into prayer. Next allow God to heal you and speak to you through the Gospel of John or Gospel of Mark before moving on to other Books of the Bible! Slowly, let the Lord show you to which Scriptures He wants you to go to next. It is also important to be part of a body of believers to help you grow in the faith. Find a Bible believing church that preaches the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation proclaiming Jesus Christ our crucified and risen Lord who brings us hope, healing, and help by His grace alone!

Feel free to email me at if you want to meet to study the Bible, pray with, talk about Spiritual issues or whatever is on your mind! My number is 412-641-9426

"This is my work and I can do it only because Christ's mighty energy is at work within me." (Colossians 1:29, TLB)

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Psalm 46:1: "Where do you need R.E.F.U.G.E from?"  By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 15, 2013, 11:30 a.m.)

Proverbs 14:12: "Why seek God's R.I.G.H.T over our right?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 14, 08:30 a.m.)

Psalm 42:5: "Why H.O.P.E and praise the Lord in your distress?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 13, 01:36 p.m.)

Psalm 40:1-5: "Where do you need to be L.I.F.T.E.D up in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 13, 01:34 p.m.)

Mark 9:28-29: "What can P.R.A.Y.E.R to Jesus do in your friends lives?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 11, 07:53 a.m.)

Mark 2:2-5: "What kind of F.R.I.E.N.D will you be thought of as?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 10, 07:03 a.m.)

Mark 3:14-15: "Why S.P.E.N.D time with Jesus daily?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 08, 11:07 a.m.)

Psalm 34:4: "What can you do with your F.E.A.R.S in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 07, 2013, 8:43 a.m.)

Psalm 33:4: "What will you do with F.A.I.T.H in your classes?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 05, 2013, 9:31 a.m.)

Mark 1:43-44: "What does your disobedience C.A.U.S.E for others in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 03, 2013, 2:57 a.m.)

Mark 1:41-42: "What past do you need to be C.L.E.A.N from?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 31, 2013, 10:54 a.m)

Proverbs 29:25: "Where will you take a S.T.A.N.D without wavering?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 30, 2013, 07:43 a.m)

Matthew 18:21-22:"Why F.O.R.G.I.V.E when it will happen again?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 29 2013, 09:35 a.m)

Psalm 27:14:"How do you C.O.P.E with your hurt?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 27, 2013, 11:13 a.m)

John 12:24:"Who do you remember physically and spiritually on this M.E.M.O.R.I.A.L day?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 27, 2013, 11:13 a.m)

"What has the law P.E.R.M.I.T.T.E.D you to do but it goes against the Lord?"  By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 09, 2013, 6:57 a.m)

"Who do you become an A.T.T.R.A.C.T.I.O.N to and why?"  By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 08, 2013, 6:58 a.m)

"What has A.N.G.E.R done to your relationships?"  By Ramesh C. Reddy (April 29, 13, 1:28 p.m.)

"How can the L.I.G.H.T impact your life?"  By Ramesh C. Reddy (April 06, 13, 11:48 a.m.)




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