Text Box: We Write For You! You Decide For Us!
Pittsburgh Standard

Text Box: I'm putting my rainbow in the clouds, a sign of the covenant between Me and the Earth. (Gen. 9:13, The Message)



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Posted on Fri, July 13, 07 at  6:43 a.m. EST



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“Harry's Hinduism Heresy Heard Hovering”

By Ramesh C.Reddy
Pittsburgh Standard

Friday, July 13, 2007

Editors Note: Majority of my relatives are Hindus and I love them very much but I do not agree with their belief system and they know that! So, they will not be surprised to read this article when they read it! I love my friends too who are Hindus and those that I do not know that are Hindus! I love them too and serve them in love even if I do not agree with their belief system. My Hindu friends will confirm that. With that said, this is a very volatile column since it addresses religion and politics.

It is deplorable that three followers of Christ, Ante Nedlko Pavkovic, Katherine Lynn Pavkovic and Christan Renee Sugar, who are part of Operation Save America, were arrested for protesting the type of heresy that was about to happen on the Senate floor for the first time in U.S. history.

Heresy is defined as “unorthodox religious opinion: an opinion or belief that contradicts established religious teaching....."
(Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved)

It is still appalling and disgraceful what happened on the U.S. Senate floor on the morning of July 12 when Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-Nev), a Mormon invited a Rajan Zed, a Hindu who believes in polytheism to give the brief prayer that opened the Senate’s session for the day.  Zed did pray a Hindu prayer.

So many people are so caught up in not wanting to offend anyone nor wanting to seem bigoted nor wanting to be seen as intolerant that they are willing to be disobedient and allow things that are an abomination to the Lord. These three faithfully stood up for what the Bible speaks out against time after time: Idolatry.

“For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.” (1 Samuel 15:23, NIV)

“Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” (2 Corinthians 4:2-4, NIV)

Sadly, not one Senator had the backbone to stand up and object what was about to happen on the Senate floor but allowed it to happen. They were rebelling against their God who time after time condemned idolatry. If Rick Santorum was in the Senate, I believe he would have stood up!

"You shall have no other gods before me. "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand {generations} of those who love me and keep my commandments.” (Exodus 20:3-6, NIV)

It would have been understandable, even though I still think it is wrong, if this person led the prayer session for the Indian Congress because majority of Indians believe in Hinduism but not for a Hindu to lead a prayer session for a Senate where majority of them believe in a monotheistic God.

America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles whether American textbooks these days want to acknowledge that or not! In that light, the Founding Fathers would have cringed to find out what has happened in their beloved country.

America’s godly heritage can be heavily supported by evidence found at http://www.wallbuilders.com which our textbooks will not teach and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) will do whatever to take God out of this country.

According to http://www.onenewsnow.com, “David Barton, the founder of Wall Builders points out that since Hindus worship multiple gods, the prayer will be completely outside the American paradigm, flying in the face of the American motto "One Nation Under God.” (http://www.onenewsnow.com/2007/07/historian_barton_says_hindu_pr.php)

The ACLU is the enemy of true followers of Christ and has gone as far as trying to remove the Ten Commandments wherever they are found and also trying to remove ‘In God We Trust’ from our currency. This nation became great because of its belief and adherence to Almighty God, asking Him to bestow blessings on this nation, and basing most American law on the laws of the Bible. Laws that do not support Scripture have been passed by godless men and women who have no fear of God.

No one is saying that those who do not adhere to monotheism should be persecuted but they should not be given a free pass to lead a Senate or House session in prayer. The Senate or House is not a temple to adhere to polytheistic theology.

How would Hindus in India have felt if a Christian, Jew, or Muslim was allowed to lead the prayer session for the Indian Congress when majority of the Indian Congress does not believe in monotheism?

Zed, the director of interfaith relations at a Hindu temple in Reno, Nevada should have taken that into consideration and declined the offer to preside over the Senate prayer meeting.

Senators should have objected and stood up against this travesty. If there is someone that needs to be pardoned by Pres. Bush, it should be those three protestors who boldly stood up for Christ and His commandments even though they were not Senators.

Idol worship and its abomination is spoken against 231 times in the Bible. It would have been another thing if the Senators wanted to go to Zed’s temple and have him lead the prayer there but not for him to come to the Senate floor and desecrate it by offering prayers to what majority of those in the Senate do not believe in.

I am still flabbergasted that this happened but I should not be because deep inside I knew when those who do not put the Lord first in their lives and His teachings, they will lead others astray too. This is exactly what has happened in the Senate when it has been led by Reid.

You have to wonder how much of this is politically based because Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) is doing her best to woo the votes of the Indian community in the U.S. as she hopes to secure the Democratic nomination to be the presidential candidate of the U.S. for 2008 and also win the presidency.

It is already established fact that the Indian community has poured in millions of dollars into her campaign. She can get support from whoever she wants whether they are Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Satanists, etc but don’t have the Senate floor desecrated by those that go against Jehovah in their beliefs.

What would Hilary do for them?

Will she prevent outsourcing of jobs to India from Americans who need to make a living here?

Probably not because then why would they support her?

The Democrats need something to excite the voting bloc of the Indian community who are Hindus! Oh how about having a Hindu pray at the Senate meeting when there is not even one Hindu, representative of the Senate body.

Barton agrees with me and wonders given the fact that Hindus are a tiny constituency of the American public, the motivation of Senate leaders.

You do not need to be a rocket scientist to know what the underlying motivation is.

It is a desecration to the Lord when idol worship is acknowledged over Him. I have a lot of Hindu friends and do not condemn them for believing in Hinduism but love them. However, if a session needs to be opened with prayer, I will want the session to be opened in prayer by those who believe in a monotheistic God like our nation was founded on and how Israel was founded on.

“They rejected my laws and did not follow my decrees and desecrated my Sabbaths. For their hearts were devoted to their idols.” (Exodus 20:16, NIV)

I do hope my Hindu friends realize that if a Jewish chaplain, Christian chaplain, or Muslim chaplain had opened the Indian Congress, with a prayer from their religion, it would have caused an uproar.

Just not too long ago the Hollywood actor Richard Gere had kissed the beautiful Bollywood actor Shilpa Shetty causing an uproar by Hindu Nationalists to the point that crowds burned their posters.

What is acceptable in America is not acceptable in India. Zed should have thought twice before appearing before the Senate as the Hindu chaplain even if he was invited.

I do use the Bible to make all my points because this nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles with the Bible as its guide. This does not mean every person that ever governed the U.S. governed with obedience to Scripture because they did not in their weakness. Yet, they acknowledged, it is Biblical Scripture they have violated.

Look at the history of our presidents and you will see that rarely if ever have the people of the United States elected someone as president whose religion was not Christianity. A nation usually wants a president of its nation who believes in what the nation was founded on. Majority of the time, that is the case for every nation but there are exceptions such as Sonia Gandhi, etc.

Once again because of disobedient and selfishness I do not deny those who claimed to be Christians by religion have done deplorable things to others (massacre of American Indians, etc) but that does not take away from the fact that this nation was still founded on Judeo-Christian principles.

All the immigrants who land in this country and become citizens of the U.S. cannot change that fact. It is a sad day in history when immigrants who become citizens of the U.S. want their country’s and cultural views to be upheld in this nation.

As an Indo-American citizen, I understand that I cannot expect people in this nation to abide by my culture when it comes to family, foods, tradition, etc and do not impose those views on Americans. Divorce, premarital sex, etc is frowned upon and taboo still in majority of India but sadly it is common here.

Belief in a mono-theistic God is common here too! Look at all the red states in the United States! You will only find blue states where the most godless  papers are published in my opinion such as the N.Y. Times, L.A. Times, and Washington Post.

America belongs to the Americans and immigrants who come to the land of the free and home of the brave including me and become citizens should respect the religious principles by which this nation was founded on even if they do not agree with it, without trying to change things. This means politely refusing to do things when asked if it goes against this country’s belief system.

What Zed did was change things! No one should think they can come to America and impose their religious worship in the Senate, House, White House, etc if this nation was not founded on those religious principles like Zed has done.

My hope is that Zed will apologize to the majority of the American people who still believe and agree that this nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.

No, this article is not an article calling for racism against immigrants but an article to stand up for what America was founded upon and its godly heritage. If that makes me a bigot, intolerant, and hated person then so be it.

I don’t think anyone likes to be hated but loved but it is worse doing things you do not believe in just so you can be loved by others. Jesus was hated for what He believed in and taught. What makes me think I will be loved if I am following and proclaiming the teachings of Christ.

“But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the LORD gave you: to love the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to obey his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and all your soul." (Joshua 22:5, NIV)

Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' (Matthew 22:37, NIV)

“All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. "When you see 'the abomination that causes desolation' standing where it does not belong—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” (Mark 10:13-14, NIV)

Jesus said, “This is my command: Love each other. "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.” (John 15:17-19, NIV)

So, I have always been ready to be hated if what I write about or speak about, people do not agree with. I was even told once that I was the most hated person on campus because of the column I wrote once in the Pitt News which broke the record for the number of letters to the editor. Yet, it is my duty to love others as Jesus wants me to love them and speak the truth in love.  Love does not and never means agreeing with people always.

I am a firm believer in 'love the person and hate their sin' whether it is the sin of idolatry, the sin of homosexuality, the sin of adultery, the sin of fornication, the sin of covetousness, etc

Why am I not surprised that Sen. Reid actually defended his choice for allowing Zed to lead the prayer session using the war debate as one of his reasons.

“If people have any misunderstanding about Indians and Hindus, all they have to do is think of Gandhi, a man who gave his life for peace", said Reid.

Please give us a break! Reid is no Gandhi!

Reid actually voted to go to war against Iraq in 1991 and 2003 so it is hypocritical of him to talk about Gandhi and peace. Also, Reid acts like he does not know history. History will show that Hindu Nationalists have killed so many Christians in India and their own kind because of their belief system but Reid wants the people to believe that all Indians and Hindus are for peace. All Indians and Hindus are not for peace but some! Look at some of the Indian parties that are very nationalistic and anti-Christian in nature.

According to Barton, "This is not a religion that has produced great things in the world, you look at India, you look at Nepal -- there's persecution going in both of those countries that is gendered by the religious belief that is present there, and Hindu dominates in both of those countries."

Let us not forget what the caste system does to people in India. If you are not a Hindu Brahman which is believed to be the highest caste then more than likely you are looked down upon. You cannot change that because people are born into castes according to Hindu belief. Reddy is considered a caste too but I don't agree with it.

Reid brings disgrace to the Senate and it is a shame that he holds the majority office in the Senate. It is my hope that the people of Nevada will boot him out of office the first chance they get.

Reid goes on to say, “I think it speaks well of our country that someone representing the faith of about a billion people comes here and can speak in communication with our heavenly Father regarding peace"

How dare Reid make a generalization when he says, “that someone representing the faith of about a billion people comes here and can speak in communication with our heavenly Father’.

First of all, Zed does not represent me because I am not a Hindu and there are so many other Indians that are not Hindus. Also, Zed was not speaking to our heavenly Father because our Heavenly Father is a monotheistic God and not polytheistic.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him." (John 14:6-7, NIV)

Who will be next to lead the Senate opening prayer in the future?

If Satanists become a majority voting block that Hilary thinks they can woo, will they be given opportunity to pray to Satan at the Senate floor?

You never know! This is the direction this nation is headed when godly people and this country keeps quiet when things like this have occurred.

It is okay to be labeled bigoted, intolerant, fundamentalist, etc if you are following the commands of God and wanting them implemented. I have been there and still am called names but I ask the Lord Jesus for help not to back down when I feel led to speak out on an issue as long as I show love and not hate. Disagreeing with an issue or speaking out against it does not mean hate automatically or as homosexuals refer to those who are against their lifestyle as homophobic. That is wrong too!

We need God in America again like God was given first place in the days of old.

Just because we Indians have been given opportunity to come to America, to live here, and make a living does not mean we should go imposing our beliefs especially in the House and Senate. If Reid was so interested in hearing the prayer of Zed, then by all means he could have gone to Zed’s temple in Nevada.

Please join with me in taking back America for Judeo-Christian principles but
never let hate rule you because if we hate others for their wrongdoings then we actually disobey everything Jesus has taught. We need to love everyone but hate their wrongdoing.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14, NIV)

“Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:9-11, NIV)

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Who do you P.O.I.N.T to? (Sept 02, 05)

"Will you take a S.T.A.N.D?" (Sept 03, 05)

How is your loving P.R.A.I.S.E? (Sept 06, 05)

"How do you handle T.E.M.P.T.A.T.I.O.N?" (Sept 07, 05)

"Who controls your T.I.M.E?" (Sept 08, 05)

"What kind of P.R.O.F.E.S.S.I.O.N are you in?" (Sept 09, 05)

"Whose T.E.A.C.H.I.N.G.S do you listen to?" (Sept 12, 05)

"What C.A.P.T.I.V.I.T.Y are you facing today?" (Sept 15, 05)

"Where do you need H.E.A.L.I.N.G?" (Sept 19, 05)

"Where do you need an A.N.S.W.E.R?" (Sept 20, 05)

"Where do you find S.O.L.I.T.A.R.Y time with the Lord?" (Sept 21, 05)

"Where do you want to be C.L.E.A.N?" (Sept 22, 05)

"What do you actions C.A.U.S.E?" (Sept 24, 05)


"What kind of F.R.I.E.N.D are you?" (Sept 26, 05)

"Where does P.A.R.A.L.Y.S.I.S take hold of you?" (Sept 28, 05)

"What are you thinking in your M.I.N.D?" (Sept 29, 05)

"What do you represent by your A.C.T.I.O.N.S?" (Sept 30, 05)


"Where do you look for A.C.C.E.P.T.A.N.C.E?" (Oct 04, 05)

"Who Do You I.N.V.I.T.E?" (Oct 05,05)

When do you F.A.S.T? (Oct 24, 05)

How do you see your L.I.F.E? (Oct 25,05)

"What kind of L.E.A.D.E.R are you?" (Oct 26,05)

"What does the S.A.B.B.A.T.H mean to you?" (Oct 27,05)


What are your N.E.E.D.S? (Oct 28, 05)


What is your I.M.P.A.C.T?  (Nov 01,05)

What S.P.A.C.E  do you give yourself? (Nov 07, 05)

"What has E.V.I.L done to you?" (Nov 08, 05)

"How is your R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.S.H.I.P with Jesus?" (Nov 14,05)

"Who will give God T.H.A.N.K.S.G.I.V.I.N.G because of you?" (Nov 25, 05) (Taken from Gospel of Luke)

"Where is your A.P.P.O.I.N.T.M.E.N.T in?" (Nov 29, 05)


"Where do you G.A.T.H.E.R?" (Dec 01, 05)

"How are your actions seen by your F.A.M.I.L.Y?" (Dec 02, 05)

"How do you handle S.L.A.N.D.E.R?" (Dec 03.05)

"What is your V.I.E.W of Jesus?" (Dec 28, 05)

"What are you doing with G.O.D.'S  W.I L.L?" (Dec 31,05)



"What do the P.A.R.A.B.L.E.S mean to you?" (Jan 04, 06)

"What kind of  F.O.O.T.B.A.L.L receiver will you be for Jesus?" (Jan 05, 06)

"How is your W.A.L.K with God?" (Jan 17, 06)

"What kind of L.A.M.P are you?" (Jan 18, 06)

"What do you C.O.N.C.E.A.L?" (Jan 25, 06)

"What do you do with what you H.E.A.R?" (Jan 26, 06)

"What do you do with the W.O.R.D of God?"(Jan 30, 06)

"What will you do with the S.E.E.D?" (Jan 31,06)


"What kind of  F.O.O.T.B.A.L.L receiver will you be for Jesus?" (Feb 05, 06)

MARCH 2006

"What kind of S.T.O.R.M.S are you facing?"  (March 11, 06)

APRIL 2006

"What does P.A.S.S.O.V.E.R  C.R.O.S.S mean to you?"  (April 13, 06)

MAY 2006

"What kind of P.R.O.F.E.S.S.I.O.N are you in?" (May 01, 06)


"Where is your T.O.R.M.E.N.T coming from?"  (May 15, 06)

"Where do you need  H.E.A.L.I.N.G?" (May 16, 06)

"What do people R.E.P.O.R.T about you?" (May 17, 06)

"Are you A.F.R.A.I.D of Jesus too?" (May 18, 06)

"Will you T.E.L.L about Jesus?" (May 19, 06)

"What do you do with your T.E.S.T.I.M.O.N.Y?" (May 20, 06)

"Will you G.A.T.H.E.R before Jesus?"  (May 22, 06)

"What place do you give P.R.A.Y.E.R in your life? "   (May 23, 06)

"Where do you feel U.N.C.L.E.A.N?" (May 24, 06)

"Where do you need F.R.E.E.D.O.M?" (May 25, 06)

"Who's T.I.M.I.N.G are you following?" (May 27, 06)


"Where do you seek W.I.S.D.O.M, in Jesus of the Bible or Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code?" (May 29, 06)

"What is your C.A.L.L.I.N.G?" (May 30, 06)

"Where is your I.D.E.N.T.I.T.Y?" (May 31, 06)

JUNE 2006

"Do you feel A.C.C.E.P.T.E.D?" (June 01, 06)

"How is your F.A.I.T.H?" (June 03, 06)

"What do you T.E.A.C.H?" (June 05, 06)

"Where are you S.E.N.T?" (June 09, 06)

"Where are you S.T.A.Y.I.N.G?" (June 10, 06)

"How is your Spiritual H.E.A.L.T.H?" (June 12, 06)

"What have people H.E.A.R.D about you?" (June 20, 06)

"What do you T.H.I.N.K about Jesus?" (June 21, 06)

"How do you handle D.O.U.B.T.S?" (June 22, 06)

When do you S.P.E.A.K out?" (June 24, 06)

"What has P.R.I.D.E done to you?" (June 27, 06)

What is your M.I.S.S.I.O.N? (June 28, 06)

"Where do you find your R.E.S.T?" (June 29, 06)

"Who is your S.H.E.P.H.E.R.D?" (June 30, 06)

JULY 2006

What kind of B.R.E.A.D do you eat? (July 03, 06)

"Whose C.A.R.E are you in really?" (July 05, 06)

"When do you P.R.A.Y?" (July 06, 06)

"What is the T.R.O.U.B.L.E you are facing?" (July 07, 06)

"What keeps you in F.E.A.R?" (July 08, 06)

"What causes your  heart to be H.A.R.D.E.N.E.D?:" (July 10, 06)

"What are you R.E.C.O.G.N.I.Z.E.D for?"  (July 11, 06)

"Who do you I.N.T.R.O.D.U.C.E to Jesus?" (July 12, 06)


"How do you view H.Y.P.O.C.R.I.S.Y?"  (July 13, 06)

"How does the Lord view your W.O.R.S.H.I.P?"  (July 14, 06)

"Whose T.E.A.C.H.I.N.G.S. do you follow?" (July 15, 06)

"How do you honor your P.A.R.E.N.T.S?"  (July 17, 06)

"What makes you C.L.E.A.N?"  (July 18, 06)

"Do you wait for your C.R.E.D.I.T?"  (July 20, 06)

Will you ask Jesus to S.A.V.E your loved ones?  (July 21, 06)

"What is the A.D.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y you are facing?"  (July 22, 06)

"Who do you B.R.I.N.G before Jesus?"  (July 24, 06)

"Where do you need the Lord to W.O.R.K in your life?"  (July 25, 06)

"Do you believe the Lord will make everything W.E.L.L?"  (July 26, 06)



"Who do you H.E.A.R?" (Aug 02, 06, 7:56 A.M)

"How do you handle your P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S?" (Aug 03, 06, 9:45 A.M)

"How is your T.I.M.E with the Lord?"  (Aug 04, 06, 8:00 A.M)

"What do you know about your B.O.D.Y?" (Aug 05, 06, 11:23 A.M)

"How F.A.R will you go for Jesus?" (Aug 07, 06, 3:59 A.M)

"What do you F.O.R.G.E.T about the Lord?" (Aug 08, 06, 8:25 A.M)

"What do you W.O.R.R.Y about?" (Aug 09, 06, 9:35 A.M)

"Will you S.I.T before Jesus?" (Aug 11, 06, 8:53 A.M)

"What do you give T.H.A.N.K.S for?"  (Aug 12, 06, 9:40 A.M)

"Who is H.E.L.P.I.N.G you?"  (Aug 14, 06, 7:45 A.M)

"What do you W.A.S.T.E?" (Aug 16, 06, 9:26 A.M)

"Do you H.E.A.R from Jesus?" (Aug 17, 06, 9:14 A.M)

"How do you A.T.T.E.N.D to others?" (Aug 18, 06, 9:07 A.M)

"When do you look for a S.I.G.N?" (Aug 21, 06, 10:10 A.M)

"When is it ok for you to L.E.A.V.E?" (Aug 22, 06, 7:43 A.M)

"What do you F.O.C.U.S on?" (Aug 23, 06, 8:15 A.M)

"Whose Y.E.A.S.T should you beware of?" (Aug 24, 06, 8:10 A.M)

"What do you T.A.L.K about?" (Aug 25, 06, 9:11 A.M)


What do you S.E.E? (Sept 04, 06, 11:00 a.m.)

"How do you L.O.O.K at a situation?" (Sept 05, 06, 8:07 a.m.)

"Are your hearts H.A.R.D.E.N.E.D?" (Sept 06, 06, 9:51 a.m.)

"How do you use your E.Y.E.S?" (Sept 08, 06, 10:30 a.m.)

"What do you do with what you H.E.A.R?  (Sept 11, 06, 10:04 a.m.)

"What do you R.E.M.E.M.B.E.R?" (Sept 14, 06, 10:35 a.m.)

"What are you B.L.I.N.D to?" (Sept 15, 06, 11:43 a.m.)


"How seriously do you take I.N.T.E.R.C.E.S.S.I.O.N?" (Oct 02, 06, 12:59 p.m.)

"Who do you want to be L.E.D by?" (Oct 03, 06, 12:16 p.m.)

"What stops you from receiving H.E.L.P?" (Oct 04, 06, 1:14 p.m.)

"How do you use your H.A.N.D.S?" (Oct 05, 06, 12:11 a.m.)

"Where do you need H.E.A.L.I.N.G?" (Oct 06, 06, 11:08 a.m.)

"What do you do at H.O.M.E?" (Oct 17, 06, 9:00 a.m.)

"What do people T.H.I.N.K about you?" (Oct 18, 06, 12:00 p.m.)

"Who is J.E.S.U.S to you?" (Oct 19, 06, 10:10 a.m.)


"How do you handle W.A.R.N.I.N.G.S?" (Nov 06,06, 9:53 a.m.)

"Who will give God T.H.A.N.K.S.G.I.V.I.N.G because of you?" (Nov 23, 06, 11:20 a.m.)

DEC 2006
"What is your G.E.N.E.A.L.O.G.Y?" (Dec 08, 05)

"Can you say the P.R.E.S.E.N.C.E of the Lord is with you?" (Dec 09, 05)

"What do your G.R.E.E.T.I.N.G S do?"(Dec 10, 05)

"What kind of K.I.N.G.D.O.M will you be part of?" (Dec 15, 05)

"What do you do with your D.O.U.B.T.S?" (Dec 20, 05)

"Where is your P.R.A.I.S.E?"(Dec 21, 05)

"How has L.O.V.E influenced you?" (Dec 22, 06, 9:53 a.m.)

"Do you S.L.E.E.P on things?"(Dec 23, 06, 12:13 a.m.)

"How do you feel about your A.D.O.P.T.I.O.N?"(Dec 24, 05)

"How do you relate to the shepherds this C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S?"(Dec 25, 06)


"What if Jesus talked F.O.O.T.B.A.L.L and asked you what kind of wide receiver will you be?" (Feb 06, 07, 10:24 p.m.)

"How is your love on V.A.L.E.N.T.I.N.E.S Day?" (Feb 14, 07, 4:27 a.m.)

MARCH 2007

"What kind of W.I.T.N.E.S.S.I.N.G  C.O.M.M.U.N.I.T.Y will you be part of?" (March 06, 07, 1:02 p.m.)

MAY 2007:



Phil 1:1-2: "What kind of S.L.A.V.E will you be?" (May 05, 07, 11:23 a.m.)

Phil 1:3-6: "Who are you C.O.N.F.I.D.E.N.T in?"(May 07, 07,  7:41 a.m.)

Phil 1:7-8: "What do you do with God's G.R.A.C.E?"(May 08, 07,  9:45 a.m.)

Phil 1:9-11: How is your A.T.T.I.T.U.D.E?" (May 09, 07, 10:39 A.M.)

Philippians 1:12: "How can you feel S.P.E.C.I.A.L when things are going wrong?"  (May 10, 07,  9:45 a.m.)

Philippians 1:12-14: "Chained? Healing Answer Is Now Savior! (C.H.A.I.N.S)"(May 11, 07,  11:01 a.m.)

Philippians 1:15-17: "How are your M.O.T.I.V.E.S?"(May 12, 07,  9:52 a.m.)

Philippians 1:18-19: "Who do you C.A.L.L often?"(May 14, 07,  11:08 a.m.)

Philippians 1:20: "What is C.O.U.R.A.G.E to you?"(May 15, 07,  9:56 a.m.)

Philippians 1:21: "How do you see L.I.F.E and death?"(May 16, 07,  10:23 a.m.)

Philippians 1:22-26: "What are your C.H.O.I.C.E.S based on?"(May 17, 07,  9:24 a.m.)

 Philippians 1:27-28: "How do you C.O.N.D.U.C.T yourself?"(May 18, 07,  8:57 a.m.)

Philippians 1:29-30: "How do you handle S.U.F.F.E.R.I.N.G?"(May 21, 07,  10:18 a.m.)


Philippians 2:1-2: What C.O.N.D.I.T.I.O.N are you in?"(May 22, 07,  10:03 a.m.)

Philippians 2:3-4, How do you respond to C.O.M.M.A.N.D.S?"  (May 23, 07, 10:30 a.m)

Philippians 2:5-7: How do you match J.E.S.U.S' attitude?"(May 24, 07, 9:24 a.m.)

Philippians 2:8: "What does the C.R.O.S.S mean to you?"(May 25, 07, 8:41 a.m.)

Philippians 2:9-11: "How do you handle the N.A.M.E?"(May 29, 07, 9:01 a.m.)

Philippians 2:12-14: "What is your type of S.A.L.V.A.T.I.O.N?"(May 30, 07, 8:18 a.m.)

Philippians 2:15-16: "How is your B.E.H.A.V.I.O.R?"(May 31, 07, 9:59 a.m.)

JUNE 2007:

Philippians 2:17-18: When do you live out your F.A.I.T.H? (June 01, 07, 1:28 p.m.)

Philippians 2:19-24: "How do you Q.U.A.L.I.F.Y?" (June 04, 07, 10:37 a.m.)

Philippians 2:25-30: "Has Your H.O.M.E.C.O.M.I.N.G begun?" (June 05, 07, 11:02 a.m.)


Philippians 3:1-11:"What is R.E.F.O.R.M.A.T.I.O.N to you?" (June 06, 07, 9:56 a.m.)

Philippians 3:12-14: "How do you handle the P.A.S.T?" (June 08, 07, 10:22 a.m.)

Philippians 3:15-17: "Do you succumb to the T.R.I.C.K of Satan or the T.R.E.A.T of the Savior?" (June 11, 07, 8:59 a.m.)

Philippians 3:18-19: "Where are your T.E.A.R.S shed?" (June 12, 07, 10:00 a.m.)

Philippians 3:20-21: "Where is your C.I.T.I.Z.E.N.S.H.I.P?" (June 13, 07, 10:44 a.m.)


Philippians 4:1:"Where do you S.T.A.N.D?" (June 18, 07, 8:49 a.m.)

Philippians 4:2: "How do you respond to a P.L.E.A.D?" (June 19, 07, 9:50 a.m.)

Philippians 4:3: "How have you C.A.M.P.A.I.G.N.E.D for Jesus?" (June 20, 07, 10:46 a.m.)

Philippians 4:4: "When do you R.E.J.O.I.C.E?" (June 22, 07, 9:49 a.m.)

Philippians 4:5: "What measure of  G.E.N.T.L.E.N.E.S.S do you have?" (June 25, 07, 6:15 a.m.)

Philippians 4:6-7: "How do you handle W.O.R.R.Y?" (June 27, 07, 7:26 a.m.)

Philippians 4:8: "What is your T.H.I.N.K.I.N.G based on?"(July 02, 07, 9:35 a.m.)





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