Posted on Sat, Sept 14, 2013 at 12:33 p.m. (EST) & 10:03 p.m. (IST),  AUG-SEPT 2013 Edition

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“Realize Everyday, Jesus Offers Inner Comfort Eternally! (R.E.J.O.I.C.E)”

Ramesh C. Reddy

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" (Philippians 4:4)

I asked myself what words or phrases are repeated?


I asked myself what is significant about Paul saying "Rejoice in the Lord always, I say it again: Rejoice!"
 I found it so amazing that of all people, Paul would put an emphasis to REJOICE even after he is shackled in chains and under arrest. It is not just rejoicing for the sake of rejoicing but he emphasizes 'in the Lord.'

This showed me that our rejoicing in the Lord should not be based upon our circumstances whether they are good or bad. If that were the case Paul would have no reason to rejoice. But rejoicing should be because we have voted Jesus Christ in our hearts and He will be there for us. It is also not just rejoicing once or twice but Paul puts an emphasis on 'always'.


I asked myself what are the important implications for my life here?
I see the command here to rejoice in the Lord always. It does not say to rejoice only when things go my way. So, I need to make an effort to rejoice in the Lord no matter what I am faced with. That does not seem easy for me but this I know that since I have voted Jesus into my heart, I know the Lord can help me!

Study of this verse came at the right time for me because I was very upset and disappointed because of what transpired yesterday, Friday, Sept 13, 2013 but the Lord Jesus made me see today that joy of the Lord should be my strength. My rejoicing should not be based on things going the way I expected. Anyway, what is that compared to what Paul was facing in prison! I can rejoice in the Lord if I fix my thoughts on Him the Author and Finisher of my faith. The key is the rejoicing can never be done on my own without the help of the Lord Jesus. Hence, it is good to remember for me that rejoicing is in the Lord. Also, it is cool to remember if I 'Walk in the Spirit, I will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.' Pastor Hugo Cheng made me realize that pioneering anything will not be easy especially when we feel we have to tackle it on our own. This verse made me see that I can rejoice in the Lord always even in this circumstance because He is in control even if things have not gone the way I expected. Lord Jesus, help me to rejoice in you always and my gentleness to be evident to all.

I ask you now dear friend, when do you R.E.J.O.I.C.E in life?
Dear friend, it is so easy to rejoice when things go our way. Anybody can do that. I want to be able to rejoice in the Lord always because that's what the Word of God asks me to do. I don't know what you are going through but this I know, rejoicing in the Lord is having our focus upon Him knowing He is there for us as our Lord and Personal Savior no matter what we face. There maybe circumstances that make you cry and weep and there is nothing wrong with that for even Jesus wept. I believe rejoicing in the Lord and weeping can also happen at the same time. We can be sad for things and yet in our hearts rejoice knowing the Lord Jesus is on our side and can help us. I believe rejoicing also cuts down on our sickness.

May you find ways to rejoice in the Lord knowing He loves you and cares for you offering you inner comfort eternally! Amen!

"Realize Everyday, Jesus Offers Inner Comfort Eternally! (R.E.J.O.I.C.E)/"When do you R.E.J.O.I.C.E in life?"

Jesus, your Word says that we should rejoice in you Lord always but that's not always easy. Forgive us Lord when we allow circumstances of life to take away the inner joy you want to give us. Thank you for offering us inner comfort eternally. Whatever pain we are going through let us not forget that you are there for us. Help us to rejoice in that always even through our circumstances. And Lord, I know you can change circumstances in our lives if you choose too. Yet, regardless of how our circumstances are, we want to rejoice in you. So, please help us! And if you would intervene in the lives of those troubled, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you Lord whatever you decide to do, you have our best interests in mind. Help us to love you with our whole heart. For I want to know you Jesus more and more. We thank you for your Word and help us please apply it. Thank you for being there for us and answering prayer. In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!

You are my all in all. You are my Prince of Peace, Rock, Savior, and Friend. You are my Holy Father guiding me through to live a life of righteousness, holy righteousness. Oh God, I need you more than ever. I need to feel your hands around me holding me tight. I need your love to surround me so that you can glow in my life. Help me please Jesus. I desire in your presence. Thank you for guiding me to live a life of righteousness. Oh God you love me more than ever. You hear my voice when I cry out to you. When I seek your face, you fill me up. You are my all in all. Thank you Jesus so much for your help no matter what I face, your grace is available and you take my case. Thank you for hearing us and answering us. In Your Name I Pray Jesus! AMEN! (Most of the prayer is from a vineyard song called “All in All”)

May the Lord Jesus guide you in His love leading you! Amen!

No matter what you feel in your heart, know that Jesus has come in and resides with you! You are not alone! To make your walk strong with the Lord, spend time in prayer talking to Him as you would to a friend. You don’t need special words to talk to the Lord. Spend time in His Word reading Psalms and turning them into prayer. Next allow God to heal you and speak to you through the Gospel of John or Gospel of Mark before moving on to other Books of the Bible! Slowly, let the Lord show you to which Scriptures He wants you to go to next. It is also important to be part of a body of believers to help you grow in the faith. Find a Bible believing church that preaches the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation proclaiming Jesus Christ our crucified and risen Lord who brings us hope, healing, and help by His grace alone!

Feel free to email me at if you want to meet to study the Bible, pray with, talk about Spiritual issues or whatever is on your mind! My number is 412-641-9426

"This is my work and I can do it only because Christ's mighty energy is at work within me." (Colossians 1:29, TLB)

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Philippians 4:5: "What measure of G.E.N.T.L.E.N.E.S.S do you have?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, Sept 09, 13, 12:03 p.m.)

Philippians 4:3: "How have you C.A.M.P.A.I.G.N.E.D for Jesus Christ in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, Sept 06, 13, 07:17 a.m.)

Philippians 4:2: "How do you respond to a P.L.E.A.D in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, Sept 04, 13, 12:00 p.m.)

Philippians 4:1: "Where do you S.T.A.N.D on love in your life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Tues, Sept 03, 13, 12:00 p.m.)

1 Thessalonians 1:3: "What does your L.A.B.O.R show in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, Sept 02, 13, 10:04 a.m.)

Philippians 3:18-19: "Why shed your T.E.A.R.S for others in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, Aug 21, 13, 08:26 a.m.)

Philippians 3:15-17: "Who are what are you willing to P.A.T.T.E.R.N your life after?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, Aug 19, 13, 10:08 a.m.)

Philippians 3:12-14:"How can you deal with the P.A.S.T in your life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, Aug 15, 13, 04:21 a.m.)

Philippians 3:1-11: "Why for R.E.F.O.R.M.A.T.I.O.N you need the transaction of the cross?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, Aug 14, 13, 05:55 p.m.)

Philippians 2:25-30:"When will your H.O.M.E.C.O.M.I.N.G begin?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Tues, Aug 13, 13, 10:39 a.m.)

Philiippians 2:20-24:  "How can you Q.U.A.L.I.F.Y well in other people's lives?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Fri, Aug 09, 13, 08:38 a.m.)

Philippians 2:17-19:  "When do you live out your F.A.I.T.H  in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Thurs, Aug 08, 13, 03:19 a.m.)

Philippians 2:14-16:  "What does your B.E.H.A.V.I.O.R do for others in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, Aug 07, 13, 12:03 p.m.)

Philippians 2:13:  "How do you W.O.R.K out your Salvation?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, Aug 05, 13, 01:33 p.m.)

Philippians 2:13:  "What path have you taken for S.A.L.V.A.T.I.O.N in your life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, Aug 05, 13, 01:33 p.m.)

Philippians 2:12-13:  "What is the point of O.B.E.D.I.E.N.C.E in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, Aug 03, 13, 01:28 p.m.)

Philippians 2:9-11: "How do you handle the N.A.M.E of Jesus in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Fri, Aug 02, 13, 07:58 a.m.) 

Philippians 2:8: "What can the C.R.O.S.S do for you in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Thurs, Aug 01, 13, 08:03 a.m.)

Philippians 2:5-7:"How do you match Jesus' A.T.T.I.T.U.D.E in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, July 31, 13, 10:50 a.m.)

Mark 10:6-9: "What does Jesus want for your M.A.R.R.I.A.G.E in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Tues, July 30, 13, 11:24 a.m.)

Philippians 2:3-4:  "How do you respond to God's C.O.M.M.A.N.D.S in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, July 29, 13, 09:53 a.m.)

Philiippians 2:1-2: "What C.O.N.D.I.T.I.O.N are you in?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, July 27, 13, 11:42 a.m.)

Philippians 1:29-30: "How do you handle S.U.F.F.E.R.I.N.G in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Fri, July 26, 13, 10:02 a.m.)

Philippians 1:27-28: "How do you C.O.N.D.U.C.T yourself in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Thurs, July 25, 13, 11:17 a.m.)

Philippians 1:22-26: "What are your C.H.O.I.C.E.S based on?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, July 24, 13, 09:50 a.m.)

Philippians 1:21: "Why D.I.E for Christ?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, July 22, 13, 3:33 p.m.)

Philippians 1:21: "Why L.I.V.E your life to be appreciated by others?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Fri, July 19, 13, 10:20 a.m.)

Philippians 1:20: "Where do you need to have C.O.U.R.A.G.E in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Thurs, July 18, 13, 05:17 a.m.)

Philippians 1:19: "Who should you C.A.L.L often in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, July 17, 13, 09:41 a.m.)

Philippians 1:19: "What reason do you have to R.E.J.O.I.C.E in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Tues, July 16, 10:23 a.m.)

Philippians 1:15-18: "How are your M.O.T.I.V.E.S in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, July 15, 04:57 a.m.)

Philippians 1:12-14:"What have your C.H.A.I.N.S done to others in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Thurs, July 11, 10:40 a.m.)

Philippians 1:12: How can you A.D.V.A.N.C.E the Gospel?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, July 10, 11:46 a.m.)

Philippians 1:9-11: "What is your L.O.V.I.N.G response based on?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, July 07, 03:24 a.m.)

Philippians 1:7-8: "How can your A.F.F.E.C.T.I.O.N grow towards others in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Thurs, June 27, 10:21 a.m.)

Philippians 1:7-8: "Why can you only be saved by G.R.A.C.E alone?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, June 26, 10:42 a.m.)

Philippians 1:3-6: "Where are you C.O.N.F.I.D.E.N.T in?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Tues, June 25, 12:42 p.m.)

Philippians 1:3-6: "How can you attain a P.A.R.T.N.E.R.S.H.I.P in the Gospel?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, June 24, 11:22 a.m.)

Philippians 1:1-3: "How will others R.E.A.C.T towards God when they remember you?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, June 22, 11:34 a.m.)

Philippians 1:1-2: "Why bother to let others T.R.A.I.N you when you are already a leader?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 21, 10:58 a.m.)

Philippians 1:1-2: "When do you B.L.E.S.S others in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 20, 08:33 a.m.)

Philippians 1:1-2: "Who will you be a S.L.A.V.E to in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 19, 1:26 p.m.)

Philippians 1:1: "Why should you believe you are H.O.L.Y instead of a sinner?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 17, 11:38 p.m.)

Psalm 46:1: "Where do you need R.E.F.U.G.E from?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 14, 08:30 a.m.)

Proverbs 14:12: "Why seek God's R.I.G.H.T over our right?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 14, 08:30 a.m.)

Psalm 42:5: "Why H.O.P.E and praise the Lord in your distress?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 13, 01:36 p.m.)

Psalm 40:1-5: "Where do you need to be L.I.F.T.E.D up in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 13, 01:34 p.m.)

Mark 9:28-29: "What can P.R.A.Y.E.R to Jesus do in your friends lives?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 11, 07:53 a.m.)

Mark 2:2-5: "What kind of F.R.I.E.N.D will you be thought of as?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 10, 07:03 a.m.)

Mark 3:14-15: "Why S.P.E.N.D time with Jesus daily?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 08, 11:07 a.m.)

Psalm 34:4: "What can you do with your F.E.A.R.S in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 07, 2013, 8:43 a.m.)

Psalm 33:4: "What will you do with F.A.I.T.H in your classes?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 05, 2013, 9:31 a.m.)

Mark 1:43-44: "What does your disobedience C.A.U.S.E for others in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 03, 2013, 2:57 a.m.)

Mark 1:41-42: "What past do you need to be C.L.E.A.N from?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 31, 2013, 10:54 a.m)

Proverbs 29:25: "Where will you take a S.T.A.N.D without wavering?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 30, 2013, 07:43 a.m)

Matthew 18:21-22:"Why F.O.R.G.I.V.E when it will happen again?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 29 2013, 09:35 a.m)

Psalm 27:14:"How do you C.O.P.E with your hurt?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 27, 2013, 11:13 a.m)

John 12:24:"Who do you remember physically and spiritually on this M.E.M.O.R.I.A.L day?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 27, 2013, 11:13 a.m)

"What has the law P.E.R.M.I.T.T.E.D you to do but it goes against the Lord?"  By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 09, 2013, 6:57 a.m)

"Who do you become an A.T.T.R.A.C.T.I.O.N to and why?"  By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 08, 2013, 6:58 a.m)

"What has A.N.G.E.R done to your relationships?"  By Ramesh C. Reddy (April 29, 13, 1:28 p.m.)

"How can the L.I.G.H.T impact your life?"  By Ramesh C. Reddy (April 06, 13, 11:48 a.m.)




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