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Posted  on  Oct 06, 2008 at 2:04 p.m. EST



AUG 2007-JULy 2008




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Barack's Blackness Should Sway Election's Electorate!”

By Ramesh C.Reddy
Pittsburgh Standard

October 06, 2008

Whether Barack Hussein Obama wins the presidency should not be based on the color of his skin but the color of his character. The color of his character is stained black! This should worry everybody in the blessed United States of America even if Hamas the terrorist organization is not worried or the people of Europe are not worried.

When a person’s character is deemed black, they should be black-listed. Obama qualifies to be black-listed as will be shown below. This should have disqualified him from even being the nominee of the Democratic Party.

A great speaker cannot hide behind his oratory skills when his character is stained black.

Blackness in terms of character is defined as 'extremely dishonorable and deserving the most serious criticism' according to Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

The late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. knew how important a person’s character is even over their skin color so in his famous, ‘I Have A Dream Today’ speech he states,
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

That said it is a shame that 90% of African-Americans want to vote for Barack Hussein Obama because of the color of his skin instead of looking into his character.

The bottom line is that they take pride in wanting a person of their skin color to occupy the White House but we should look beyond color as an African-American pastor recently has encouraged thousands of African-American congregation members to take a person's character into account before voting for that person.

Many church members and non-church members vote should not be clouded because Obama is African-American.  Right now the 90% of African-Americans who are planning to vote for Obama maybe judging him by the color of his skin.

Right now the 1/3 of White Democrats who said they will not vote for Obama because he is African-American are also judging him by the color of his skin.

Both are wrong!

Obama does not want that either. He made a statement this summer by saying to Jewish people,
"Don't judge me because I've got a funny name, don't judge me because I'm African-American."

His skin color should not be a reason to vote for him or against him. When we base votes on a person’s skin color, it becomes a sad day in history but basing a vote on a person’s character color is a proud moment in history.

It will show the world that the people of the U.S. take a person’s character very seriously before they elect that person to the highest office in the land.

Obama’s campaign is trying to underplay his character that is stained black and diverting their attention to the economy in the hopes that people’s pocket sufferings will make them see beyond his character. The economy is important but so is a person's character.

His character associations with radicals is what worries me and many others in this land. It is sad that Obama is leading over McCain because of the financial crises. Even with a financial crisis we should still want to elect a man of character than a man of money.

“A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.” (Proverbs 22:1)

When Obama cannot be honest with America regarding his ties to radicals, can we trust him to be honest with America regarding his plans for the economy?

When Obama is quick to distance himself from his loved ones for political gain, can we trust him to ensure America with economic gain?

When Obama is endorsed by Hamas, the terrorist organization which is bent on the destruction of Israel and America, can we trust him with the instruction of leading the American people?

When Obama is closely tied to the unrepentant terrorist gone professor, William Ayers who wanted Americans to perish in bombing deaths and said on 9-11 that he felt he did not do enough to take American lives, do we want a president tied to the one who bombed the Pentagon?

Sen. Joseph Lieberman, a staunch supporter of Israel and a Jew who caucuses with the Democrats in congress giving them the majority supports John McCain for the presidency of the United States. Lieberman stated that it was fair game for Gov. Sarah Palin, the VP candidate to state Obama is 'palling with a terrorist named William Ayers'. Lieberman wants the American people to realize character of a presidential candidate is utmost important and does not support Obama and wishes Jewish people do not support him either. 

The questions go on and the answer is still a flat NO!

Ask yourself why does not Obama want his records from Columbia University to be released if he has nothing to hide?

Ask yourself why is he even hiding his thesis paper from the American electorate from finding about. Could it be because he wrote it on Russia and does not want the American people to see what he wrote about because he could have written in favor of Communism based on his influential mentor such as Frank Marshall Davis who was Communist?

Obama is hoping that you will be so down with the economic downturn of this country and the Bush administration that you will help him slide into the White House over another Republican for four more years.

You should resist this urge to vote for him because of the economy or because his opponent John Sydney McCain is a Republican.

Yes, the economy is bad and we needed to bailout the big wigs in the hopes of helping the little guy but who controlled congress for the past two years?

The economic downturn happened during the Democratic led congress whose approval ratings have been in single digits and worse than the Bush Administration’s ratings. Yet, Obama likes to associate McCain with George W. Bush so that you will not vote for McCain because of Bush.

But McCain is no Bush! McCain is a learning tree that has given so much to this country with his sacrifice and maverick style of governing.

The economy is a smokescreen for the Obama campaign so his associations with radicals will not get more press coverage these last days of the election cycle.

But now is the time more than ever to expose all his associations with radicals and allow you to decide if you want Obama to represent you as your president of the United States.


Obama is so two-faced because he likes to connect McCain to Bush but when you try to connect Obama with the characters from his past or present, it becomes character assassination to him.

But it is not character assassination of Obama if everything that is stated is backed up with facts to show the color of his character which is stained black.

Obama cannot be trusted no matter how well he speaks because of his radical ties.

Any person who brings Obama’s character into question is attacked verbally. This happened to the Gov. Palin when she questioned Obama’s ties to the unrepentant terrorist, William Ayers.

Palin was accused of making a ’racially tinged’ statement when she said,
"Our opponent ... is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough, that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country. This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America,…The comments are about an association that has been known but hasn't been talked about, It's important to talk about how Barack Obama kicked off his political career in the guy's living room."

Let us take these editorials put out by the http://www.pittsburghstandard.com that shed more light on the dangerous Obama and not vote for Obama this November 4th.

PS Editorial: "Communists Cheer Candidate Barack Boastfully Joining Jackals Attacking America!" (Aug 14, 2008, 8:28 p.m.)

 PS Editorial: "Oust Obama Over Commanding Country Cause Character Critical!" (July 30, 2008, 4:11 p.m.)

  PS Editorial: Hussein Has Hebrew Hating Foes For Friends! (July 18, 08, 1:32 a.m.)

If you are honest, you will realize as important as the economy is, character of our president is much more important and it is best to go with McCain-Palin 08.

PS Editorial: "Palin's Pick Promotes Party Praise!" (Sept 16, 08, 11:19 a.m.)

McCain has put ‘Country First’ and showed character even when he was a ‘Prisoner of War’ in Vietnam. When he could have been released, he chose to remain a prisoner because he wanted the persons ahead of him to be released first without taking the opportunity to leave.

Obama on the other hand had to diffuse a fire by his wife Michelle Obama who said,
“For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.”

Reading this makes us think she was not proud of her country until Obama had the opportunity to contest for the presidency of the United States.

Does that mean Mrs. Obama will not be proud of her country again if Obama loses the election?

Obama wants the votes of small town Pennsylvanian's and Mid-Westerner's but had the audacity to make this claim when he did not think he was on a hot mike.

"You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest....they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion..."

Here Obama is not only saying clinging to guns is bad but clinging to religion. In other words just like his Socialist and Communist radical associations that influenced his life tremendously, he sees religion as crutch for these people whose mentors were influenced by Karl Marx.

Mind you that Obama is not talking about any religion but the religion of the Christian faith. Obama is actually referring to those who claim to be Christians clinging to their guns and religion.

Yet, he wants people to believe that his Christian faith influences his decisions in life. On the contrary, he has been influenced by the likes of William Ayers, Saul Allinsky, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the Rev. Fleagher, Tony Rezko, Rashid Kallidi, Frank Marshall Davis, and the Rev. Louis Farakkhan and so on.

No one should vote for Obama on the false premises that if they don’t vote for Obama, they will be seen as racist. If anything they would be seen as true Americans who do not want a false president in the White House or someone Hamas supports.

Not voting for Obama has nothing to do with the color of his skin but the color of his character. As the editorials have shown and as the days ahead will show, Obama should not be given the presidency by the electorate.

We can put a stop to that by influencing the voters with the truth that the mainstream media tries to hide hoping it goes away. We should not let it go away.

My hope is to continue to show you the dangerous presidency we will have under Obama if he is elected. These next 30 days, use prayer as a weapon to bring out the truth about both candidates and let the electorate decide, of which you are part of.

Don’t base it just on the financial crisis because God can turn around the financial crisis in a hurry if He chooses to. He could be testing the citizens of America to see whether character supersedes capitalistic endeavors.

"When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily.But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability." (Proverbs 28:2, NLT)

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28, NIV)

Let the content of a person’s character supersede the color of their skin.  If we play a role in Barack Hussein Obama's defeat, it won't be because of the color of his skin but the color of his character. The ultimate decision will be in the hands of the Lord according to Romans 13 but we need to do our part leaving the results in the Lord's hands.


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.Click picture to read my dad's memoriam:

Nov 01, 1941 - Dec 17, 2007

PSelectcision 2008:

PS Editorial: "Palin's Pick Promotes Party Praise!" (Sept 16, 08, 11:19 a.m.)

“Answering the claim 'The lesser of the evil is still evil whether it is McCain or Obama so I am not voting!'” (Sept 10, 08, 12:31 p.m.)

Video: “PSelectcision 2008 asks, 'I am going to the McCain-Palin rally instead of Pitt's season opener because...."(Sept 03, 08, 12:29 p.m.)

Photos: People Perseveringly Promote Party's Presidential Nominee's Name! (Sept 01, 08, 12:09 p.m.)

PS Editorial: "Communists Cheer Candidate Barack Boastfully Joining Jackals Attacking America!" (Aug 14, 2008, 8:28 p.m.)

 PS Editorial: "Oust Obama Over Commanding Country Cause Character Critical!" (July 30, 2008, 4:11 p.m.)

PS Editorial: Hussein Has Hebrew Hating Friends For Foes! (July 18, 08, 1:32 a.m.)


Editorial of PS2008 Board:
"Badmouthing Black Woman Willingly, Jacobs Justifies Expelling Employee!" (May 23, 08, 10:14 p.m.)

Editorial of PS2008 Board: "Homosexuals Have Maligned Marriage Maledicting Messiah's Message!" (May 16, 08, 5:01 p.m.)

Editorial: "SGB should rendition resolutions supporting some students!" (April 05, 08, 11:10 a.m.)

Editorial: "‘Gone Baby Gone’ Gives Gritty Guarantee!" (Feb 13, 08, 1:03 p.m.)

Pitt News Rebuttal Editorial: "People Provider For Ongoing Abortions Abhors Administration of Bush " (Jan 24, 08, 9:30 a.m.)

Editorial: "Patriots Perfectionist, Bill Belichick Tumbles Through Treason" (Feb 05, 08, 2:08 a.m.)

Editorial: "GOP's Gutless, Giving Guiliani Galvanization!" (Jan 19, 08, 2:02 a.m.)




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