Posted on Thurs, March 20, 2014 at 09:27 a.m. (EST) & 06:57 p.m. (IST),  MARCH 2014 Edition

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“What's Up With Your Tongue?

Ramesh C. Reddy

Editors Note: Editors Note: This devotional was originally sent through email on  Mon, 15 Feb 1999 09:55:55 -0500 (EST) to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) students and others who wanted to receive daily devotionals at the University of Pittsburgh while I was serving at IVCF! It is being published for the first time on Pittsburgh Standard today with any revisions ITALICIZED.

"The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit." (Proverbs 15:4)

Your tongue can be so powerful. It can either destroy a life or build it.

How have you decided to use your tongue?

Do you use it to curse others, to step on people, to make yourself No. 1, to destroy others or do you use it to bless others, to encourage others, to reach out to others and pray for others?

You have the ability to bring healing in the lives of those you are surrounded by but that cannot happen unless you put your tongue to good use.

Everything that God has given us can be used either for good or abused for the worse. It is up to us. The words of people have destroyed people's self-esteem, their worth, and even their sense of identity.

I hope you use your tongue to edify others because you can bring so much healing into a person's life without sowing seeds of destruction.

A slip of the tongue can be really dangerous too. A tongue is more powerful than you can imagine.

Think about all those you know that have been fired because they said something they should not have said. Think about all the relationships that have been broken because the wrong thing was said.

You know that your own tongue can destroy your own life?

If you start speaking negatively that you cannot do this thing, you cannot do that thing, you are not good enough, etc, you put your own life in a world of misery. The Lord does not want that for you or anyone else.

You may be the one that has been hurt by someone and your spirit has been crushed. I want you to know that hurts do not disappear immediately and at times scars remain because of the words spoken but the Lord wants you to know that you are called by Name. You are precious in His sight. He will take care of you.

No matter how you have been hurt by the words of others, please don't let their words rule your life. There will always be those who want to put you down, who want to step on you, who want to curse you and you will get hurt but the Lord wants to be there for you.

Allow His Word, His blessings, and His mercy to encompass your life during those times of hurt too. He will give you purpose, identity, encouragement, and comfort.

Claim His promise and rest in them! Amen!

 May each one of you know the love that the Lord has for you and rest in Him. Your worth is not based on how others treat you or think about you but your worth is based upon the Lord who loves you so much and reaches out to you! Amen!

Dear Lord Jesus we thank you that you love us so much. You Oh Lord comfort us in our times of sorrow and I thank you for that. Oh Lord, you know all that have been hurt because of the use of another person's tongue. Lord, there are times we feel the hurt because of what our parents, friends, etc said to us. Thank you Lord that you know all about
  that. Lord, thank you that we are precious in your sight and you have called us by Name. You have redeemed us and we can find our worth in you. Please help us to use our tongue to encourage others and build them up. Thank you so much Jesus. Please hear us and answer us. Forgive us our sins and help us to follow you. Thank you for hearing us and answering us! In Your Name We Pray Jesus! Amen!

 If you want to give your life to the Lord and make Him Lord of your life, please don't wait. You can ask Him into your life right now. A Christians' road in life is not easy nor peachy but it is worth it. Belonging to the One who created you and loves you with unconditional love is the one you need to belong too. No matter what you have done or where you have been, the Lord reaches out to you with His loving arms of love. If you have been a Christian and feel like you have gone away from the Lord, you can come back to Him and rededicate your life to Him. He will take you in and love you with unconditional love. Do not let guilt stop you from coming to the Lord. He loves you so much and cares for you! Come, Come to the Lord!

Dear Lord Jesus, I do not know everything I need to know about you. But, I heard that you love me so much and you are the Light. You said if I come to you, I will not stay in darkness. I come to you Lord as I am with all my baggage. I ask you to take it all from me and give me a new beginning.  I know all the sins in my life have affected me and I need you now. I am willing to give my life to you and ask you for forgiveness. Please forgive me of my sins and come into my heart. Please make my heart your home. Live in me Jesus and I choose to live for you and serve you the rest of the days of my life. There are certain habitual sins in my life that you alone can help me overcome and I rely upon you. Thank you Jesus. I thank you that you want to be my Lord and Personal Savior. Please be in control of my life. I thank you when you forgive me, you give me a new clean slate and I can have a new beginning.  I confess you as my Lord and Personal Savior and believe in my heart that you died for me and rose again to give me eternal life that I can one day spend eternity with you forever. Thank you Jesus! Thank you, you have heard my prayer and answered me. I belong to you and you will take care of me. Thank you Jesus! In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!

You may have felt something, you may have not, but the important thing to know is that Jesus Christ is in your life! Don't just go by feelings.

If you have prayed this prayer and meant it genuinely in your heart, you made one of the most important decisions in your life. Please let me know as I would like to send you a free booklet or give it to you in person, to help you in your daily walk with the Lord. I have read this booklet more than 20 times.

Feel free to email me at if you want to meet to study the Bible, pray with, talk about Spiritual issues or whatever is on your mind! My number is 412-641-9426

"This is my work and I can do it only because Christ's mighty energy is at work within me." (Colossians 1:29, TLB)


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Psalm 119:132-133: “Breathe In Bible, Live Eternally! (B.I.B.L.E)” By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, March 19, 14, 11:38 a.m.)

Proverbs 17:9: “Faithfully Acknowledge Messiah's Infinite Love Yourself! (F.A.M.I.L.Y)” By Ramesh C. Reddy (Tues, March 17, 14, 12:01 p.m.)

John 15:4-5: "Valiantly Immanuel Nurtures Enthusiastically!" (V.I.N.E) By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, March 15, 14, 10:40 a.m.)

Proverbs 15:4: “Everyday Now Christ Often Uplifts, Reaching All Generations Everywhere Mightily, Encouraging Nurturing Truth. (E.N.C.O.U.R.A.G.E.M.E.N.T)” By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, March 08, 14, 07:38 a.m.)

John 10:14-16: "Who will you make your S.H.E.P.H.E.R.D in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, March 01, 14, 12:21 p.m.)

“Please Rest On Messiah's Infinite, Saving, Eternal Scriptures. (P.R.O.M.I.S.E.S)” By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, Feb 26, 14, 08:36 a.m.)

Psalm 86:4: "When do you place a C.A.L.L to the Lord?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, Feb 24, 14, 10:32 a.m.)

Psalm 50:14-15: "When do you T.R.U.S.T in the Lord?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, Feb 18, 14, 11:34 a.m.)

1 Corinthians 13:4-8: "How will you be someone's Valentine using 16?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Feb 14, 14, 9:24 a.m.)

"How can F.O.O.T.B.A.L.L be used to explain God's Word working in different hearts? By Ramesh C. Reddy (Feb 01, 2014, 9:44 a.m.)

Audio: "What will your P.R.E.S.E.N.T look like in 2014?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Jan 04, 14, 9:33 a.m.)

"What will your P.R.E.S.E.N.T look like in 2014?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Jan 02, 14, 6:26 a.m.)


Audio: "How do you relate to the S.H.E.P.H.E.R.D.S this Christmas season?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Dec 26, 13, 11:55 a.m)

"How has your L.O.V.E influenced others in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Dec 20, 13, 06:15 p.m)

"What does your P.R.A.I.S.E report consist of?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Dec 18, 13, 07:23 a.m)

"What does God do with your D.O.U.B.T.S  in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Dec 17, 13, 10:47 a.m)

"What K.I.N.G.D.O.M will you be part of in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Dec 16, 13, 10:55 a.m)

"What does it mean to experience the F.A.V.O.R of the Lord ?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Dec 14, 13, 7:17 a.m)

"What can G.R.E.E.T.I.N.G.S do for you and others in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Dec 07, 13, 6:19 a.m)


"What are A-Z things you have witnessed that you can give T.H.A.N.K.S.G.I.V.I.N.G to the Lord for?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Thurs, Nov 28, 13, 11:51 a.m.)

Mark 8:34: "Why D.E.N.Y youself in the one life you have to live?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, Nov 16, 13, 08:13 a.m.)

Philippians 4:9: "How do you know your P.E.A.C.E is real?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, Oct 19, 13, 08:17 a.m.)

Philippians 4:9: "What kind of S.O.L.D.I.E.R will you be?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, Oct 12, 13, 11:29 a.m.)

Psalm 139:13-18: "Who cares for your B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, Oct 05, 13, 1:00 p.m.)

Philippians 4:8: "What is your T.H.I.N.K.I.N.G based on?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, Sept 25, 13, 10:29 a.m.)

Philippians 4:6-7: "How do you handle A.N.X.I.E.T.Y in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, Sept 21, 13, 08:18 a.m.)

Philippians 4:4: "When do you R.E.J.O.I.C.E in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, Sept 14, 13, 12:36 p.m.)

Philippians 4:5: "What measure of G.E.N.T.L.E.N.E.S.S do you have?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, Sept 09, 13, 12:03 p.m.)

Philippians 4:3: "How have you C.A.M.P.A.I.G.N.E.D for Jesus Christ in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, Sept 06, 13, 07:17 a.m.)

Philippians 4:2: "How do you respond to a P.L.E.A.D in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, Sept 04, 13, 12:00 p.m.)

Philippians 4:1: "Where do you S.T.A.N.D on love in your life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Tues, Sept 03, 13, 12:00 p.m.)

1 Thessalonians 1:3: "What does your L.A.B.O.R show in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, Sept 02, 13, 10:04 a.m.)

Philippians 3:18-19: "Why shed your T.E.A.R.S for others in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, Aug 21, 13, 08:26 a.m.)

Philippians 3:15-17: "Who are what are you willing to P.A.T.T.E.R.N your life after?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, Aug 19, 13, 10:08 a.m.)

Philippians 3:12-14:"How can you deal with the P.A.S.T in your life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, Aug 15, 13, 04:21 a.m.)

Philippians 3:1-11: "Why for R.E.F.O.R.M.A.T.I.O.N you need the transaction of the cross?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, Aug 14, 13, 05:55 p.m.)

Philippians 2:25-30:"When will your H.O.M.E.C.O.M.I.N.G begin?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Tues, Aug 13, 13, 10:39 a.m.)

Philiippians 2:20-24:  "How can you Q.U.A.L.I.F.Y well in other people's lives?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Fri, Aug 09, 13, 08:38 a.m.)

Philippians 2:17-19:  "When do you live out your F.A.I.T.H  in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Thurs, Aug 08, 13, 03:19 a.m.)

Philippians 2:14-16:  "What does your B.E.H.A.V.I.O.R do for others in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, Aug 07, 13, 12:03 p.m.)

Philippians 2:13:  "How do you W.O.R.K out your Salvation?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, Aug 05, 13, 01:33 p.m.)

Philippians 2:13:  "What path have you taken for S.A.L.V.A.T.I.O.N in your life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, Aug 05, 13, 01:33 p.m.)

Philippians 2:12-13:  "What is the point of O.B.E.D.I.E.N.C.E in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, Aug 03, 13, 01:28 p.m.)

Philippians 2:9-11: "How do you handle the N.A.M.E of Jesus in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Fri, Aug 02, 13, 07:58 a.m.) 

Philippians 2:8: "What can the C.R.O.S.S do for you in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Thurs, Aug 01, 13, 08:03 a.m.)

Philippians 2:5-7:"How do you match Jesus' A.T.T.I.T.U.D.E in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, July 31, 13, 10:50 a.m.)

Mark 10:6-9: "What does Jesus want for your M.A.R.R.I.A.G.E in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Tues, July 30, 13, 11:24 a.m.)

Philippians 2:3-4:  "How do you respond to God's C.O.M.M.A.N.D.S in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, July 29, 13, 09:53 a.m.)

Philiippians 2:1-2: "What C.O.N.D.I.T.I.O.N are you in?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, July 27, 13, 11:42 a.m.)

Philippians 1:29-30: "How do you handle S.U.F.F.E.R.I.N.G in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Fri, July 26, 13, 10:02 a.m.)

Philippians 1:27-28: "How do you C.O.N.D.U.C.T yourself in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Thurs, July 25, 13, 11:17 a.m.)

Philippians 1:22-26: "What are your C.H.O.I.C.E.S based on?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, July 24, 13, 09:50 a.m.)

Philippians 1:21: "Why D.I.E for Christ?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, July 22, 13, 3:33 p.m.)

Philippians 1:21: "Why L.I.V.E your life to be appreciated by others?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Fri, July 19, 13, 10:20 a.m.)

Philippians 1:20: "Where do you need to have C.O.U.R.A.G.E in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Thurs, July 18, 13, 05:17 a.m.)

Philippians 1:19: "Who should you C.A.L.L often in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, July 17, 13, 09:41 a.m.)

Philippians 1:19: "What reason do you have to R.E.J.O.I.C.E in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Tues, July 16, 10:23 a.m.)

Philippians 1:15-18: "How are your M.O.T.I.V.E.S in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, July 15, 04:57 a.m.)

Philippians 1:12-14:"What have your C.H.A.I.N.S done to others in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Thurs, July 11, 10:40 a.m.)

Philippians 1:12: How can you A.D.V.A.N.C.E the Gospel?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, July 10, 11:46 a.m.)

Philippians 1:9-11: "What is your L.O.V.I.N.G response based on?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, July 07, 03:24 a.m.)

Philippians 1:7-8: "How can your A.F.F.E.C.T.I.O.N grow towards others in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Thurs, June 27, 10:21 a.m.)

Philippians 1:7-8: "Why can you only be saved by G.R.A.C.E alone?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, June 26, 10:42 a.m.)

Philippians 1:3-6: "Where are you C.O.N.F.I.D.E.N.T in?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Tues, June 25, 12:42 p.m.)

Philippians 1:3-6: "How can you attain a P.A.R.T.N.E.R.S.H.I.P in the Gospel?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, June 24, 11:22 a.m.)

Philippians 1:1-3: "How will others R.E.A.C.T towards God when they remember you?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, June 22, 11:34 a.m.)

Philippians 1:1-2: "Why bother to let others T.R.A.I.N you when you are already a leader?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 21, 10:58 a.m.)

Philippians 1:1-2: "When do you B.L.E.S.S others in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 20, 08:33 a.m.)

Philippians 1:1-2: "Who will you be a S.L.A.V.E to in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 19, 1:26 p.m.)

Philippians 1:1: "Why should you believe you are H.O.L.Y instead of a sinner?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 17, 11:38 p.m.)

Psalm 46:1: "Where do you need R.E.F.U.G.E from?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 14, 08:30 a.m.)

Proverbs 14:12: "Why seek God's R.I.G.H.T over our right?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 14, 08:30 a.m.)

Psalm 42:5: "Why H.O.P.E and praise the Lord in your distress?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 13, 01:36 p.m.)

Psalm 40:1-5: "Where do you need to be L.I.F.T.E.D up in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 13, 01:34 p.m.)

Mark 9:28-29: "What can P.R.A.Y.E.R to Jesus do in your friends lives?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 11, 07:53 a.m.)

Mark 2:2-5: "What kind of F.R.I.E.N.D will you be thought of as?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 10, 07:03 a.m.)

Mark 3:14-15: "Why S.P.E.N.D time with Jesus daily?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 08, 11:07 a.m.)

Psalm 34:4: "What can you do with your F.E.A.R.S in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 07, 2013, 8:43 a.m.)

Psalm 33:4: "What will you do with F.A.I.T.H in your classes?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 05, 2013, 9:31 a.m.)

Mark 1:43-44: "What does your disobedience C.A.U.S.E for others in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 03, 2013, 2:57 a.m.)

Mark 1:41-42: "What past do you need to be C.L.E.A.N from?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 31, 2013, 10:54 a.m)

Proverbs 29:25: "Where will you take a S.T.A.N.D without wavering?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 30, 2013, 07:43 a.m)

Matthew 18:21-22:"Why F.O.R.G.I.V.E when it will happen again?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 29 2013, 09:35 a.m)

Psalm 27:14:"How do you C.O.P.E with your hurt?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 27, 2013, 11:13 a.m)

John 12:24:"Who do you remember physically and spiritually on this M.E.M.O.R.I.A.L day?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 27, 2013, 11:13 a.m)

"What has the law P.E.R.M.I.T.T.E.D you to do but it goes against the Lord?"  By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 09, 2013, 6:57 a.m)

"Who do you become an A.T.T.R.A.C.T.I.O.N to and why?"  By Ramesh C. Reddy (May 08, 2013, 6:58 a.m)

"What has A.N.G.E.R done to your relationships?"  By Ramesh C. Reddy (April 29, 13, 1:28 p.m.)

"How can the L.I.G.H.T impact your life?"  By Ramesh C. Reddy (April 06, 13, 11:48 a.m.)




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