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BEST OF 2001-2002 

BEST OF 2002-2003


Students unite with one voice of hope

Photogallery of flags and candles remembering September 11,2001 victims

Jewish students walk for Israel


A patriotic war is just to protect people (1)

Americans face their toughest challenge

Proud beyond words to be an American

War is necessary for justice

Not all Middle Easterner's are suspect

Failure ought to be the stepping stone to success

Students vote matters

A lot of good Lott's apology did!

It is a matter of principle and ethics


Red, White, & Blue

Constitution supports God and patriotism

One Numb-er

He sees you all the time

Vote for the perfect candidate 24-7!

What if Jesus talked football?

Gospel revealed through semantics and word play

Only the right antidote can protect your life

God's love is alphabetically revealed in random languages


Homosexuality examined in light of Scripture and Science

No choice is not an excuse to do wrong!

Consequences do not imply hate!

Casual sex cheapens a person


Photogallery of students enjoying Thanksgiving feast at the Marketplace

Photogallery of Pitt women dominating the 1st place prizes at the Marketplace

Photogallery of men's basketball team plaing Blue-Gold Scrimmage game

Photogallery of students camping out for basketball tickets

Photogallery of homecoming extravaganza

Photo gallery of Pitt v.s. Notre Dame game highlights during the Big East opener.

Photo gallery of Pitt students being fired up for Pitt v.s Notre Dame game

Get to know your Pitt Panther being carried by Oakland Zoo fans during Pitt v.s. Notre Dame


What Kappa Delta means to me!

Pitt dance team dances into the hearts of Pitt fans

Freshman cheerleaders love their cheerleading experience

Pitt student experiences love of the Cross Seekers


The top 44 answers to "Camping out for basketball tickets is like...."

Top 25 reasons of 2002 given by students eating at the C-side Marketplace for the origins of the candy cane!

Top 14 reasons to ‘Why being in love is beneficial for your health…..”

Top 14 responses to "Love is...." including #1 answer in many common languages


Lottery fever for basketball tickets reaches O'Hara St

Panther's blowout win over Orangemen begins tough road ahead

Newspapers across Pennsylvania cover Pittsburgh Panthers Insight Bowl victory                       

Pitt athletes and friends come together

Reddy's crazy NFL rankings after the regular season


PS NCAA Tournament


April 2003

FEB-MAR 2003

JAN 2003

Dec 2002

Nov 2002

Sept- Oct 2002

April-May 2002

March 2002

February 2002

January 2002

December 2001

November 2001

October 2001

September 2001




News: 100 years ago

1903 -Ryan Walker of the New York Times  publishes a cartoon titled 'The Annexer 'll Git You ef You Don't Watch Out' pertaining to Uncle Sam scooping up Panama.


News: 50 years ago

1953 -
The aircraft Eagle Aviation Vickers 610 Viking 1B
ran off the runway at Numberg Airport and tipped onto its nose as braking action after touchdown was poor because of ice on the runway. There were no fatalities.


News:  25 years ago
1978 -
H R Haldeman, Nixon's White House chief of staff released from jail.


 10 years ago
1993 - The Washington Post publishes a column by Theodore B. Olsen, attorney for Jonathan Pollard who was accused of spying against the United States for Israel.


News:  5 years ago
1998 - Fox News Sunday had interviews of politicians regarding the impeachment of Pres. Bill Clinton and the situation in Iraq.


News: 1 year ago
2002-  On the Online NewsHour, Mark Shields and David Brooks discuss Sen. Trent Lott's decision to step aside as the Senate's GOP leader, the developments on the Iraq front and Al Gore's announcement he will not seek the presidency in 2004.


December 20th happenings in history!


1833 - Dr Samuel A Mudd, convicted of giving medical aid to John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Pres. Abraham Lincoln was born.

1906 - Dick White, head of British secret service (MI-5/MI-6) was born.

1906 -  Lowell Gilmore Minnesota, actor (Living Christ Series) was born.



1968 - John Steinbeck, author of Grapes of Wrath, and Nobel Prize winner in 1962) dies in New York at 66.

1971 -
Roy O Disney Brother of Walt, dies of cerebral hemorrhage at 78.

1973 - Luis Carrero Blanco PM of Spain (1973), assassinated by ETA.

1988 - Max Robinson 1st black network (ABC) TV anchor, dies of AIDS at 49.

1993 - W Edwards Deming, U.S. economist who helped Japan after WWII, dies at 93.



1920 - Bob Hope becomes an American citizen.

1957 -
Elvis Presley given draft notice to join US Army for National Service.


1790 - 1st successful US cotton mill to spin yarn (Pawtucket RI).

1879 - Tom Edison privately demonstrated incandescent light at Menlo Park.
1892 - Pneumatic automobile tire patented, Syracuse NY.
1900 - Giacobini discovers a comet (will be 1st comet visited by spacecraft).
1919 - Canadian National Railways established (North America's longest, 50,000 KM).


1669 - 1st jury trial in Delaware; Marcus Jacobson condemned for insurrection & sentenced to flogging, branding & slavery.
1699 - Peter the Great ordered Russian New Year changed-Sept 1 to Jan 1.
1780 - England declares war on Netherlands.
1803 -
Louisiana Purchase formally transferred from France to US for $27 million.
1820 -
Missouri imposes a $1 bachelor tax on unmarried men between 21 & 50.
1850 - Hawaiian post office established.
1860 -
South Carolina votes 169-0 for Ordinance of Secession, 1st state to secede.
1893 - 1st state anti-lynching statute approved, in Georgia.
1917 - Russian secret police in Czechoslovakia forms under Felix Dzerzjinski.

1919 -
US House of Representatives restricts immigration.
1922 -
14 republics form Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics (USSR).
1942 -
1st Japanese bombing of Calcutta.
1945 -
Rationing of auto tires ends in US.
1960 -
Auschwitz-commandant Richard Bär arrested in German Federal Republic.
1963 -
Berlin Wall opens for 1st time to West Berliners.
1963 -
Trial against 21 camp guards of Auschwitz begins.
1964 -
Levi Eshkol forms Israeli government.

1967 -
474,300 US soldiers in Vietnam.
1971 -
Pakistan President Yahya Khan resigns.
1976  -
Israel's PM Yitzhak Rabin resigns.
1977 -
1st Space walk made by G Grechko from Salyut.
1983 -
PLO chairman Yasser Arafat & 4,000 loyalists evacuate Lebanon.

1983 -
El Salvador adopts constitution.
1987 -
Worst peacetime shipping disaster, Dona Paz ferry sinks after collision with oil tanker Vector; 1,749 confirmed deaths (probably closer to 3,000).
1988 -
Animal rights terrorists fire-bomb Harrod's department store, London.
1988 -
NBC signs lease to stay in NYC, 33 more years.
1990 -
Pentagon warns Saddam Hussein that US air power is ready to attack on 1/15.
1992 -
Slobodan Milosevic re-elected President of Serbia.
1999 -
Portugal returns Macau to China.



1552 - Death of Katherine von Bora, 53, a former nun and the widow of German reformer Martin Luther. They married in 1525, when Luther was 42 and Katie was 26, and bore six children. Luther died in 1546; Katie, six years later.
1787 -
A revival broke out among the Shakers of New Lebanon, Indiana, soon igniting a religious fervor among other denominations, especially in Kentucky and other colonial frontier regions.

1961 - Swiss Reformed theologian Karl Barth wrote in a letter: 'What God chooses for us children of men is always the best.'


Source: William D. Blake. ALMANAC OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1987


1921 - American League votes to return to best-of-7 World Series, while National League votes best-of-9 Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis casts deciding vote for best-of-7.
1980 -
NBC broadcasts New York Jets' 24-17 win over Dolphins without audio.
1981 -
Browns set team records for most fumbles (9) & most turnoves (10).
1985 -
Howard Cosell retires from television sports after 20 years with ABC.


Compiled by Ramesh C. Reddy

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