
Writing with faith, hope, and love
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BEST OF 2001-2002 

BEST OF 2002-2003

BEST OF 2003-2004


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Photogallery of the funeral procession ceremony  for Reagan to the Capitol


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Gospel revealed through semantics and word play

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God's love is alphabetically revealed in random languages




“Accepting Christ Comforts Each Person Truly Everyday Daily!” (A.C.C.E.P.T.E.D)

Ramesh C. Reddy

Editors note: This is part of  the devotional I had with the Lord this morning of July 11, 05 that I wanted to share with you all! If these can be used as Bible study guides, feel free to use them.

Quiet Times (Psalm 41, Proverbs 11, and  Mark 6:4)

Jesus said to them, "Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor." (Mark 6:4, NIV)


In v.3 the people who heard Jesus took offense at him. I asked myself how Jesus responds to those that took offense at him.

Jesus tells them 3 things:

  1. Only in his hometown is a prophet without honor.

  2. Only among his relatives is a prophet without honor.

  3. Only in his own house is a prophet without honor.


I asked myself the significance of Jesus’ statements.

Jesus went from stating the general to stating the specific. Jesus first talked about those in his hometown of Nazareth as a whole. Then, Jesus narrowed it down to his relatives and then his own earthly family. By doing this, Jesus was making a profound statement that He was accepted elsewhere for who He was but not from those some of them that were close to Him.

I asked myself why.

I believe those close to Him had preconceived notions of what Jesus should have been like and could not see past that. They only wanted to believe in the one they had raised and not the One who had come to serve and show them the pathway to Eternal Salvation.


I saw important implications for my own life here. Jesus was with honor elsewhere except where He used to reside and live. It is here that people had the hardest time believing. It is here that people took offense at Him. This reminds me of my own life at a certain time in my life.

 It was easy for people to accept me as a follower of Christ, who had come from a Hindu background, on the outside where I could present the Gospel and do outreach than my own home. At home, it became difficult to present the Gospel to my dad. My dad expected me to become someone who is regarded highly by the world from the world’s standard.

However, that is not what I became. I became a counselor and campus minister for awhile and then continued to do ministry while doing jobs by tent-making (jobs on the side to make a living) so ministry could continue. My dad could not accept what I was doing for awhile. Even to this day, he is not truly happy what I do because of my heart in ministry. Most on the outside including other members of my family have accepted me doing ministry and balancing it with my job and other activities if it continues to be the Lord's calling for my life.

 Recently, my mom asked my dad, “Do you want a son who takes a high paying/ great   job by the world’s standards but is not there for the family and not happy and cheerful in their life?” or “Do you want a son who does a job that is not seen as high paying/great job by the world’s standards but is there for the family and always happy and cheerful wanting to help the family out.”

My mom was making a point to my dad that just because someone does not want to go into a high paid profession but into ministry does not mean there life is a waste, etc. The world has preconceived notion of what are professional jobs, real jobs, etc but from the Christian point of view, when we do a job and feel that is the Lord’s calling for us even if it is pointed towards ministry, the Lord will take care of the rest.

It also means there will be obstacles on the pathway from those closest to us as Jesus faced. We need to acknowledge that but does not mean we should give up.

I ask you now dear friend, do you feel accepted?

Dear friend, you may or may not feel you are accepted. If you feel you are accepted, that is great and a blessing. If you do not feel accepted, then there can be pain and sorrow. The pain can take over the life. But, it does not have to be that way.

If you are not accepted by your family because you have become a follower of Christ, it can be very hard. It is hard not being accepted by those close to us when they are the ones we most expect to accept us. You are not alone. Jesus went through so much pain because of rejection but He did not let that get Him down. He had His focus on God and His calling. God will help you too!

Friend, when Jesus has called you to be His own you need to realize the greatest thing has happened. He has accepted you! Yes, He has friend. No matter who rejects you here on earth because of who you have become in Christ, what job you have decided to do, who you now hang out with, etc, you are never alone anymore.

To all who received Him, He gave them right to become children of God not born of flesh but by the Spirit of God. (John 1:12)

This is exciting to know that you can be accepted and Jesus will help you through your pain. I know He will! It is never for nothing when you come to Jesus and what happens around in when you are in Christ.

You may have loved someone so much but then the feeling is not mutual because they see you differently than how you want them to see you. There is pain there too. The pain can sometimes be like a knife of fire. Yet, Jesus sees you friend and sees what you are going through and wants to bring healing in your life.

While I was doing campus ministry, a good friend of mine shared with me the choice she had between her boyfriend she dearly loved and was also intimate with and the new choice facing her life she could accept or reject. It was the choice to follow Jesus Christ as her Lord and Personal Savior. She decided to follow Jesus Christ as her Lord and Personal Savior and what Jesus wanted for her life and not what she wanted.

In other words she shared with me the hardest thing she had to give up after becoming a follower of Christ is her boyfriend who did not want to come to know Jesus as his Lord and Personal Savior. He wanted to remain as he was but she knew after experiencing Christ, she could not go on living the life she lived so she let him go.

Her boyfriend did not accept who she had become and he was the closest to her. She gave him up for Christ no matter how dearly she loved her boyfriend.  She told me the pain is there but as she holds on to Jesus, it is never for nothing.

Friend, not everyone will accept you even when you accept them and love them. There could be different reasons for it whether they are your family or friends. Even Jesus was not accepted by some close to Him and we will face the same.

But what I want you to know is what Jesus says to you, “Be not afraid, just believe”

 Believe in the One who loves you so much.  His name is Jesus! Jesus will accepted you and knows what you are going through. Your hearts desires He will give to you as you seek Him diligently. You know many times His desires become our desires as we seek Him.

 So, you may have sought someone in your life that you love but it was not returned, so you pray to the Lord that it will happen. If it is the Lord’s desire for you to be with that person, the Lord will make it happen. If it is not then as you continue to seek Him whatever the result is, His desire for you will become your desire.

Through it all, you will feel accepted by the One who loves you so much that He went to the cross for you and died on it. He shed His blood for you and came back to life to save you. He loves you so much friend. Yes, He does!

These past few days for me have been the hardest but they have been filled with prayer, dreams, and promises and comforts from the Word of the Lord. I know whatever I am going through, Jesus is with me and am loved by the Lord. As you turn to Jesus, you will be loved and accepted in Christ and He will bring everything else into perspective. Wait on the Lord and He will take care of the rest. Be patient and do not give up!

Waiting can be the hardest thing to do. In this world, people want answers quickly and promptly. They choose a phone call over chat message, a chat message over an email, when they want acceptance of their ideas, their feelings, certain people, etc.

What is the point of being accepted if being accepted compromises our relationship with Jesus!

It is important to know when Jesus accepts you as you accept Jesus into your life to make Him your Lord and Personal Savior then He will give you a new perspective on life. Yes, He will friend. He will bring people into your life that will make you feel accepted and loved. If the love does not come from a family member because of your faith, it will come from above from those the Lord chooses on earth for you.  Yes, it will friend! You can be sure of that. If the love does not come from a friend, because of doubts etc, it will come from above from those the Lord chooses on earth for you/

As I thought about Jesus not being accepted but continued to do what He was called to do, that brings me excitement. First, it tells me that I should not compromise my beliefs in Jesus just to be accepted by others, for Jesus will work in my life. As I take it to prayer, Jesus can also work in the lives of others who have not accepted Him, even in the family. For He knows where you are in life and when your life is in the care of the Master, it is never for nothing! It is never for nothing!

May you rest in the Everlasting Arms of the Savior knowing accepting Christ comforts each person truly everyday daily!

“Accepting Christ Comforts Each Person Truly Everyday Daily!”(A.C.C.E.P.T.E.D)/”Do you feel accepted?”

Dear Jesus, I love you so much. You Oh Lord, know what it feels like not to be accepted by those close to you. Thank you Jesus you understand our pain when it happens to us. We come to you right now and lift up those who are suffering in silence, suffering in pain and agony and even sometimes anguish, because they do not feel accepted by those they want to accept them. Sometimes Lord it is because of their desire to serve you and follow you, it happens. But, I thank you Lord that those who come to you, you never turn away. You will accept them and make them feel loved. You will give them a purpose for their life and whatever their desires are, if they are in line with your will, we thank you that you will let them come to pass. With you Lord, it is never for nothing.  The hardest thing can be to wait on you Lord many times. But we know it is the right thing to do for you promise us those that wait upon you Lord will mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Thank you Jesus! We rest in you Lord for it is not by might, nor by power, but by your Spirit you take care of us and will help us through. I pray for the one right now who wants to reach out to their family members/friends who do not know you but their family member/s/friends do not want to hear from them about you. You alone can make that happen where the opportunity can come and be taken. For you promise to be with us and help us and also we believe our entire household can be saved as we come to you and turn them over to you. Please help Lord. I also pray for the one who is seeking your will for the right person in their lives to be with the rest of their lives. I pray that you will let them know your love and your ways. I pray for the one who is seeking a job and your will for their lives in all they do. We all want your will in our lives but need the strength to rejoice in you when disappointments happen because many times our ways are not your ways but your ways can be so awesome in the long run. It is never for nothing when we turn our life over to you. When we feel it is your will about thing, help us to rest in you and wait upon you. Help us to guard our hearts to be focused on you wherever we are, knowing where we place our affections can influence the decisions of our lives. Help us to always place our affections foremost with you Jesus and let all the others fall in place as we love you and put our faith in you. Thank you Jesus! Thank Jesus you have heard our prayers and answered us! Thank you for dying for our sins and coming back to life to save us. When we come to you, thank you so much Jesus it is never for nothing!  In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!






"When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed." "Where did this man get these things?" they asked. "What's this wisdom that has been given him, that he even does miracles! Isn't this the carpenter? Isn't this Mary's son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren't his sisters here with us?" And they took offense at him.” (Mark 6:2-3, NIV)


I asked myself what questions those that heard Jesus asked.

  1. Isn’t this the carpenter?

  2. Isn’t this Mary’s son?

  3. Isn’t this the brother of James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon?

  4. Aren’t his sisters here with us?

I asked myself what their reaction was after the questions.
And they took offense at him.

I decided to focus on points 2,3, & 4 today.


I asked myself what is the significance of their questions comparing Jesus to His earthly family.

They saw his earthly family to be people like them who were ordinary citizens. Now when Jesus came back to His hometown, they are amazed at His teachings filled with wisdom and that He even does miracles. For them it is not computing that Jesus can do all that He is doing. They were putting Jesus in a box trying to figure Jesus out by their own earthly understanding. They were expecting Jesus to be like His earthly family but that was not the case because Jesus had a calling from God and had an identity they were not willing to accept. This is evidenced by the fact that they took offense at him.


I saw important implications for my own life. I was born into a Hindu family and raised in a Hindu family for a few years. Later, my mom who was a devout practicing Hindu gave her life to Jesus Christ so He can become her Lord and Personal Savior. She had become a follower of Christ after watching one of many Billy Graham Crusades. At that point she raised us with Christian principles but I had never given my life to Christ till six years after my mom became a follower of Christ. As an Indian, I expected people to automatically assume I was either a Hindu or Muslim. And they did!

As a campus minister, I attended a University of Pittsburgh Association of Chaplaincies (UPAC) meeting once and there was a representative from a group that automatically made the comment, “let’s see what the representative from the Muslim group has to say”. He automatically assumed I was Muslim even though I was a follower of Christ representing InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at the meeting.

Another time a student from India came up to me and said, “I cannot believe you are a Christian. That is so rare because most Reddy’s in India that I know are Hindus. You are from the Reddy name and are a Christian.”

He had posed a question, “Aren’t you a Reddy” like they posed the question, “Isn’t he Mary’s Son’ etc.

However rather than taking offense, he wanted to know what made me become a follower of Christ. In essence, he wanted to know what changed my identity from the  people he knew that had the Reddy last name. The answer is Jesus Christ who has changed my mom, all my brothers, and me. Now we wait on the Lord for Him alone to save my dad.

My dad is not a believer in Christ but he does not also worship Hindu idols in the home or at temple so that is a blessing for us. Instead, he has his own belief about God and considers himself a Hindu. Yet, he is the one that bought my mom her first Bible and has asked us to pray to Jesus for him couple of times.

In my life, it showed me when the Lord gives a new identity it will not be like my family’s identity or the people who have the same last name as I do. Instead, it will be an identity that comes from Jesus Christ and living for Him. At times that could offend family members and those that I come in contact with who do not share the same belief. It could also offend people who think "I cannot believe he went from being Hindu to Christian." The bottom line is it is because of Jesus Christ calling me to be His own.

I ask you now dear friend where is your identity.
Dear friend, when others see you and know about you, do they see you being similar to your family line or do they see something different about you. If your family line is serving Christ and so are you, then it is great. What if your family line is not serving Christ, then where do you take your identity from. You can take it from your family line but then you will not be any different from them.

But, if you choose to do what Jesus did and adhered to a higher calling then you too can have a new identity. I am not talking about plastic surgery or a makeover but an identity on the inside that changes your outlook of life on the outside. Now when people see you, they can start seeing Jesus Christ and His ways becoming an identity you want to follow. Yeah, some could take offense at that but just as Jesus continued to do what He was called to, you can too as Jesus will help you and guide you. Yes, He will friend!

No matter where you have been, what your life has been like, how people have perceived you, Jesus Christ can give you a new identity in Him. Oh, Yes He can friend! Now is the time of Salvation.

Maybe you have messed up badly and feel like your life will never change, maybe you have been hurt so badly and feel like it cannot get any worse, maybe you have been stepped on all your life and feel like you cannot get up anymore. Though your future seems futile, I want you to know there is hope. Not the kind of hope that's wishful thinking but a real inspiring hope.

How many wonderful opportunities you have missed, it's not too late for you to change your life around. As this summer goes on, you can become a new person. I don't mean change your name or your face but you can be changed on the inside that will change your lifestyle on the outside.

If you are discouraged and think, there is no way I can have my life changed around, I want you to know that with Christ all things are possible. Jesus loves you so much more than anyone can love you. We have limits on love based on what others do for us but Christ's love for you is unconditional. For unto us a child was born and that child was baby Jesus who later died for our sins and came back to life to save us. If we do so much for those we love and our love is limited, think about how much Jesus will do for you whose love is unlimited.

Whether or not you have a career, academic degrees, boy or girl friend, husband or wife, family, fame, fun, fortune, etc, that is not what Christ sees in you. He sees you as being so precious and special in His sight and wants to take care of you. No matter where you have been or what you have done, you can come to the Savior. Your age does not matter as the Lord can make an impact in your life. He reaches out to you with Helping Hands.

You have a golden opportunity to continue the summer with the Lord on your side. Let me assure you, the transformation you will see in your own life. When Christ touches the hearts of those who come to Him, there life will never be the same again. You will have a totally new perspective on life as you spend daily time with Him praying, spending time meditating on the Bible, and being in fellowship with body of believers, His Church. Even as you face the storms of life, the winds cannot shake you for you will have a firm foundation on the Rock, Jesus Christ.

No matter what has happened in the past, you can have a new start in Jesus Christ. This does not mean whatever you hoped for in the past, the Lord will just ignore. Now you have Jesus Christ in your life and you can take to Him all your hopes and dreams. He will be the Lord of the Past. If it is regarding a career, academics, or a relationship, take it to Jesus in prayer. If you feel weak or strong about any situation, take it to Jesus in prayer. If it is His will for you, He will confirm it to you in His perfect timing. If it is not His will, He will reveal that too! Wait upon Him; be not afraid but believe! He watches over you. You can belong to Jesus and know He will not keep anything from you that He knows is right for you. Yes, friend!

In the middle of the night yesterday, I was in turmoil about a situation I was hoping to get an answer one way or the other. Waiting for an answer seemed so hard but rather than allowing the turmoil to take over preventing me from sleeping, I prayed and prayed to Jesus. Later, I kept claiming God’s promises stating them to myself from A-Z until I fell asleep.

When I fell asleep an amazing thing happened last night. I saw a figure climbing up the mountain and then saw the clothing to be dazzling white. It was Jesus I saw in my dream climbing up the mountain. I said to myself wow, that’s similar to what I saw in a biblical cartoon when I was young.

When I woke up, Jesus’ words, “Don’t be afraid; just believe” kept resonating in me.

I do not know what the outcome of the situation I have been praying for will be. But, this I know that Jesus has not forgotten about me and I need to wait upon Him in prayer for my identity is in Him.

In a previous devotional I had shared about 12 signs I saw in my life about a particular situation that I was comfortable about. Yet, I have not seen that happen. As I sought the Lord in prayer in the middle of the night, two dreams came about that situation on July 06 and July 07. Now on the 12th night after the 12 signs, I saw Jesus in my dream from the time the situation began on the night of June 27.

I do not really know what all this will eventually transpire into but having my identity in Christ will get me through and all who are followers of Christ. Jesus used the mountains to pray a lot and I need to continue to be in prayer knowing Jesus is watching over me. He is watching over you too friend!

No matter how you feel, when you come to Jesus, you can know He is with you; He is mighty to save; He is delighted in you; He will quiet you with His love and sing songs of exultation because you are His. Yes, He will friend! That is exciting to know! You are destined to win with Jesus giving you a new identity! Yes, you are friend!

May you rest in His power knowing Immanuel delivers emancipation now, transforms identity, touching you! Amen!

This is the verse of the day that came today which is so prevalent for my life and each one of your lives as you seek Him:

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV)

“Immanuel Delivers Emancipation Now, Transforms Identity, Touching You!” (I.D.E.N.T.I.T.Y)/ “Where is your identity?”

If you would like to invite Jesus Christ into your heart and make Him a daily part of your life, you can this very moment. You will never be alone. You can claim God's promises for you in the Bible and see them come true, before your eyes, in His wonderful timing. You don't have to wait for a special time to come to the Lord. You can come right now as you pray this prayer, meaning it in your heart.

Dear Jesus, I am a sinner Lord. I am so sorry for my sins. I confess my sins to you. I confess the wrong things I have done and messed up my own life. I need you Lord right now and in the years to come. I have gone my own way and have not found what only you can give me. You alone have the words of Eternal Life. You alone love me unconditionally for who I am. I thank you Jesus. I accept you Jesus into my heart. Thanks Jesus for coming into my heart. Thanks for forgiving me of all my sins. Thanks for giving me a new identity in you. I acknowledge you as my Lord and Personal Savior as I believe in my heart that you died and came back to life to save me now and forever. I give myself to you and ask you to be in control of my life. Thank you Jesus through the  days, we can do things together. Thanks for being my Lord and Personal Savior. Thank you Jesus you have heard my prayer and answered me. Thanks Jesus for changing me and helping me through life's storms and winds. In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!

(You can start your Christian adventure by reading the Gospel of John)

Friend you may feel something or may not feeling anything but do not go by your feelings. When you ask Jesus to come into your life, He will and does. He will take over from here as you depend on the Lord and let Him work in you and through you! This is exciting friend! May each one that came to know Jesus be filled with His Holy Spirit forever more and those that know Jesus come to know Him more and more! Amen!

Love in Christ,

P.S.. If you need someone to talk to, pray with, or have a  Bible study, you can email me at reddy4HisGlory2004@yahoo.com and we can set up a time that is convenient for you! You can also call me at 412-720-4579

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JULY 2005

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MAY 2005


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How is your P.R.A.I.S.E? (May 05,05)

How do you handle T.E.M.P.T.A.T.I.O.N?(May 06,05)

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JUNE 2005

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Where do you G.A.T.H.E.R at? (June 06,05)

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Where is your T.O.R.M.E.N.T coming from? (June 22,05)

What do people R.E.P.O.R.T about you? (June 23, 05)

Where do you need H.E.A.L.I.N.G? (June 24,05)

Are you A.F.R.A.I.D of Jesus too? (June 27,05)

Will you T.E.L.L about the Lord? (June 28, 05)

What do you do with your T.E.S.T.I.M.O.N.Y? (June 29, 05)

Will you G.A.T.H.E.R before Jesus? (June 30,05)

JULY 2005

What place do you give P.R.A.Y.E.R in your life? (July 01,05)

Where do you feel U.N.C.L.E.A.N? (July 02, 05)

"Where do you need F.R.E.E.D.O.M? (July 04, 05)

"Whose W.I.L.L and T.I.M.I.N.G are you following?" (July 06,05)


"Where do you seek W.I.S.D.O.M?” (July 07, 05)

"What is your C.A.L.L.I,N.G?" (July 08,05)

"Where is your I.D.E.N.T.I.T.Y?" (July 09,05)